


6 months, 25 days ago


Class photo 10/09/█████
Aliases: Jay, Codebreaker
Gender: Male
Orientation: Pansexual
Born: 12/10/█████
Occupation: Computer programmer
Residence: Arcadia Bay
Height: 5'10" / 178 cm
Quote: "My best ideas come to me in lines of code"
Fav song: Bohemian Rhapsody

James's fascination with technology was the cornerstone of his existence, a fact reflected in his pursuit of a computer science degree at the esteemed Arcadia Bay Institute. Immersed in the world of coding, innovation, and pushing the boundaries of technological possibilities, James was a maestro in the realm of computer science. His academic journey took a turn during his freshman year when he crossed paths with Luna, a fellow student with an intriguing aura that captivated his attention. Collaborating on class projects became a norm, and as time passed, their professional alliance evolved into a profound friendship. Luna's penchant for the supernatural and James's tech prowess created an unexpected yet harmonious partnership.

The enigmatic mysteries enveloping Arcadia Bay became a shared fascination for James and Luna. Luna's passionate pursuit of these secrets drew James into a world of secret societies, cryptic messages, and unexplained disappearances that had shrouded their serene town for years. Serving as Luna's confidant and collaborator in unraveling these mysteries, James found himself enamored by Luna's intelligence and unwavering determination. As their joint investigations deepened, late-night stakeouts and perplexing adventures strengthened the bond between them. Within the intricate tapestry of clues and conspiracies, James discovered that he had fallen for Luna, and their shared pursuit of uncovering secrets fortified their connection.

Their collective journey brought them face-to-face with the most baffling mystery of all—the sudden and unexplained disappearance of Luna's childhood friend, Liam. Fueled by love and loyalty, James devoted himself to assisting Luna in finding her friend, all the while delving into the hidden secrets of Arcadia Bay lurking beneath the surface. Together, they navigated a realm of supernatural occurrences, unlocking concealed truths and forging an even deeper connection as they ventured into the uncharted territories of the unknown.

  • James has a quirky fascination with collecting vintage action figures from the '80s and '90s.
  • He is an avid reader of science fiction and fantasy novels
  • Despite his reputation as a tech genius, James is a proficient cook.
  • He is a master of multitasking, capable of coding, playing a musical instrument, and listening to a podcast simultaneously.
  • While James tries to maintain a composed demeanor, he is an incurable romantic at heart
  • James has a small but dedicated social media following with cult-like fanbase
Luna Love intrest
Luna's like that awesome playlist you never get tired of. She's cool, always there when you need her, and makes everything better. Just having her around is like sunshine on a cloudy day.
Liam Childhood friend
Liam's a bit of a blur in my memory, honestly. Can't remember much about him but I'm determined to help with finding him