HARUNO 2.0 [F2U]



5 months, 14 days ago


"haruno 2.0"

Long time no code! Hello everyone! I've been so busy lately, I'm really tired... No time or energy to do anything I want these days, like drawing or coming up with a cool, new. orz

However, it's starting to wind down because it's November! As well, the Coders' Quarters November Challenge 2023 came around, so I decided to blow some dust off of my account! I've wanted to revamp this code for a long time, so it was a perfect opportunity to!

It's not the most interesting code, but I personally feel much more satisfied with the way it looks in vast comparison to its original! I hope you like it too. :]

P.S. The code comes exactly as shown, links and images and all!


I really love you. I'll see you soon...

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