Rei Anura's Ownership Log

31 Jul 2022, 11:58:59 pm Assigned design creator role to Pinestar
10 Dec 2019, 5:38:20 am Transferred to Biscatron
7 Dec 2019, 4:42:49 am Transferred to Azeris
High Quality Thread
30 Nov 2019, 3:21:31 pm Transferred to Its5intheafternoon
28 Sep 2019, 9:43:16 pm Transferred to LeavingGoodbye
3 Aug 2019, 5:55:15 pm Transferred to Thankyouandgoodbye
You won this character's WTA!
25 Aug 2018, 9:05:34 pm Transferred to -skyfullofstars
Gift a Character to the Person above you (RANDOM)
12 Aug 2018, 3:49:51 pm Transferred to capsaicinoid
Humanoid random forum game c:
12 Aug 2018, 3:26:47 pm Transferred to Scientist
humanoid random forum game
12 Aug 2018, 3:23:13 pm Transferred to manyface
tysm~! hope he has a good home!
20 Dec 2015, 4:18:17 pm Character created by FANATTIC