Tbn's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Doublooncoins Global Rules

For Adopt/traded characters: DONT use for ai/nfts. 

Ask before commercial usage (I will usually allow it). Redesigns are fine as they are your character now! Just don't delete me as the creator. 

I would prefer if you didn't make NSFW art of my designs but if you do pls hide it or put it behind a content warning. Don't use my design for anything hateful

DO NOT SELL MY CHARCATER FOR MORE THAN WHAT YA GOT THEM FOR WITHOUT ADDED ART (gift art does not count.) If I traded you a design for a character/custom or art, you are not allowed to sell them for money UNLESS you bought commissioned art for them beforehand OR drew personal art for them yourself (in which you can add the value accordingly, don’t underprice yourself)

If ya put one of my designs up for trade, feel free to ping me! I might want them back or if not I'll be happy to boost them up for ya!