Chun Meiqing (春眉清)



6 months, 5 days ago


Chinese Plum Tree Spirit.

Name:  Chun Meiqing, 春眉清
(眉 is a homonym of 梅. His name means spring+clarity or spring+clear plum blossom. Plum is a delicate yet hardy winter flower and is seen as spring's herald.)

Design concept: His hair reminds me of spring blossoms. I'd like to have the hair look like petals. Because the body would then be the figurative stalk, I would use black/dark brown-purple for his inner clothing, with white outer robes to symbolize the snow. I'd like to add green to his sandals and as an accent color to symbolize budding spring. The character will wear white socks and gloves to hide the scarring on his body.

Role in the story: He's a guide between realms, an embodiment of Narnia's lantern, wandering around.

Current: Once a plum blossom tree, he cultivated sentience. To purify his soul he had to discard his resentment. Becoming a new sprout from an old plum blossom spirit required willingly cleansing most of his memories and chi by the reincarnation cycle. This erase the curse of his past and his crooked cultivation, but left him weak, but full with potential. A spirit of perseverance and resilience: to reach his current form he bore the ruinous bite of metal and fire. Used to despise those who carry fire, such as humans, dragons, lantern bearing creatures, thus he made many enemies in those realms.

Powers: Able to conjure up blossoms and control those like flying knives. Good with illusions. Wood-water element. Used to be able to bend the woods around him for a hundred thousand spirits swords, but he is too weak to accomplish those feats now.

Personality: Used to be quiet, cold and aloof due to immortality and held long, all-consuming grudges. Now he's curious, naive, allowing his somewhat endearing pettiness and formerly hidden sweet side to shine through. Casually friendly to all and sticky when in private with those he favors. Still convinced that to cultivate an upstanding character, one must willingly suffer through challenges, but will worry more about all who decide to do so. When suffering unwillingly, he's convinced that it'll warp the soul.