PENDING (ART)'s Comments

Would you consider art? I could do 2 fulls :D If needed I can also add on! ^^ ((So sorry I commented from my nonactive account xD))

Hi! Yes, I would. Do you have examples of any humanoid full bodies? I only really have humanoid characters ^^ ; 

Ooooh yes I'd love to accept your offer!
I'd love to offer Kairos to draw for one of the fullbodies as I'm obsessed with him at the moment, but for the second feel free to pick between any characters here, here or here to draw!

In the meantime, I'll pop this character on pending! Do you have a rough estimate for how long the art will take? Just so I can keep track- no rush! ^^

Perfect! Can do :DD Would you prefer to know which character exactly I'm drawing for the second full or would you rather it be a surprise? Lmk! ^^ 

Rough estimate? Might be a week or two? Although I might prioritize this one a bit because I'd like to get this character as a gift for my friend :D !!

Oooo surprise is good with me! :D
Perfect, thank you! ^^

1 Replies

I can offer $15 via paypal or kofi? :O

Edit: I'm also super interested in a custom or two if possible? 

I have a paypal if that's okay w you !

You can send the money to [email protected] and through family and friends too if possible? Tysm!

And for customs, I don't mind at all, I'm just very busy atm, just to let you know abt my situation!

Done, all sent via F&F (and in euro too!)

Ohh of course! If it's not good timing, I'm happy to wait to request until you're not busy? I don't mind either way ^^

I've recieved to money ty! (And I'm living in Europe so it's perfect haha)

And ofc ty for understanding! If you want I'll have more free time next week, so feel free to send a message to Seiko_twst (my main) to give me a lil reminder! ^^