Jun (HE/HIM)


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· · · · · ·
June 20th
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i talk!
Talkative · Stubborn · Supportive

Jun considers himself to be a very average person. He experienced a close call with a car accident, and since has become very focused on making sure he lives life to the fullest and doesn't miss out good times, big or small. He's the type of person who could stop and have a 30 minute conversation in the middle of the sidewalk with a complete stranger. Anything that seems like it could be a good time is something he'll try to go for, which can be seen as reckless by some. He tries not to get too absorbed in anything that could feel stressful. He can be very stubborn trying to achieve things he is interested in- a primary example being his instance on befriending Jing Lian, a recluse that Jun knew he had to become friends with. Jun also has a habit of being a bit vain, enjoying taking great care in his appearance and splurging on new clothes and jewerly when he can. He'll let people pet his ears and tail as long as they don't ruffle them up too much, as he spends great amounts of time making them so soft and pretty to begin with!
Time of My Life by Penelope Scott