Trix's Comments

R u taking offers?

I’d like to offer resale if you’re considering!

Hello! The previous user had to decline the offer, but if you're still interested in buying this guy I'm willing to sell now.

I’d be interested! I’ll dm you

i lov him, i may be able to buy if i get money soon, 

Edit: am able to offer resale now!!

Hello, I've decided to sell this guy if you were still interested at all. If not it's fine!

Yea im still interested! Do u hv discord? Mines @dejaaaa

I'd prefer dms here over discord for a design sale if that's alright. Feel free to send me a message with your paypal email and I'll send the invoice on over!

Just a heads up, I haven't heard anything from you at all. If I don't hear back by the end of the day (8ish hours) I'll have to move on to the next interested person!

Sorry feel free to move onto the next person, i had to refund someone just now so i dont think ill be able to buy yet :(