


5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


It's Grass


  • Petal Texture
  • Spread Head FeelersLeafy Nubs
  • Antennae
  • Decal Eyes


Basic Info 
notable trait petal text.
Nickname fro | grass
Notable trait spread leaf head nubs
Birthday july, 21st
noTable trait antennae
Species pacapillar
mutations none
Gender male
Orientation asexual
Occupation environmentalist
Status nft/s
Worth $70
  • x
  • b
  • x
  • x
  • x
  • h
  • p
  • c
  • xxx
  • xxx
  • xxx
  • xxx

spunky | curious | innocent | cutiepie
"I think so too!"

Frosch is grass. Just a big ol bundle of lawn. In addition, he also acts exactly as one would expect a clump of grass to act like. He loves sunshine and rainy days; he visibly blooms in happiness in these conditions. When the sky starts pouring you can find Frosch sitting under maybe a few leafs or his pink spotted umbrella; or, on rare occasions when it is but a light sprinkle, he'll just soak up the rain without a cover.

Though the Paca is quite fearless and honestly kinda of a risk taker he still has a few fears that make the bravery evaporate from his little watering-can core. Like most plants, fire terrifies poor Frosch. Lawn mowers are his second fear, one that is probably pretty just considering they are specifically designed to chop is lil head clean off. Besides the latter mentioned fears, Fro is pretty strong willed and determined. He likes to think of himself as a miniature hero in his own personal adventure game.

Despite having a crippling fear of lawn mowers, the paca has a rather impressive collection of swords and is a decent sword fighter. Being that he believes he is a hero, Fro also has a healthy imagination when it comes to his life. He loves to pretend to actually BE in an rpg; finding quests, helping people, and fighting monsters.

When he's not live action roleplaying, the young paca enjoys standing up for his own political beliefs, all of which include something to do with the environment. He is a protector of all plants and fights for their rights. He is all for going green, saving the earth, and recycling! While most of the other pacas are friends with him, his hobbies differ so greatly from theirs that he has trouble finding good friends. He plays it off as if he just too busy for best friends, but underneath he would like another paca who he could connect with. His over active imagination has led to more than a few moments of spaceiness. He constantly loses stuff and is pretty unreliable when borrowing items. He sets whatever he is holding in random places and then the information exits his mind never to return.


name | relationship

info here

Name | Relationship

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Name | Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus. Integer vitae justo eget magna. Ac felis donec et odio pellentesque diam volutpat commodo.