
5 months, 6 days ago


An eccentric dhampir. Vivienne comes from a relatively wealthy family, living most of her childhood alongside her pharmacist father, known for colliding the worlds of mystical arts and science. After displaying vampiristic traits at a very young age, her father decided to relocate to Monster Island to keep them safe from a bashful society — And since then she tries to solve the mystery surrounding her origins. She is mostly mellow and often optimistic about things, but tends to come out as outspoken and irritable when her emotions pile up and her instincts kick in.


Vivienne's roughly 184cm (6'3). She has dark long wavy hair with a purple-ish hue. Her eyes are droopy, her irises being a desaturated lime green with sharp, slim pupils and her eyebrows are slightly thick and arched. Vivienne's outfits are mostly inspired by Y2K aesthetics, but she does enjoy experimenting with other styles!

  • Her pupils are slim like a cat's.
  • All of her outfits have her signature pink color scheme.


Vivienne had quite a few struggles when adapting to Monster Island. The first few years were turbulent as she had enrolled in military school, filling her schedule to the brim with after hours activities as her father couldn’t spend more time with her due to the need to adjust financially to this new life — He simply couldn’t bring his work with him, as he had to live a secretive life now. This led to the need for him to reinvent himself as a pharmacist in order to make a living, studying his new monster public and their needs. Vivienne despised military school because of how lonely and isolated she felt, besides having gotten rid of all the bullying, she had to deal with a different sort of annoyance, a classmate that seemed to have some sort of rivalry with her: Oliver Wost.

Vivienne’s conflicts with Oliver carried on until early adult life. Their relationship took a quick terrible turn when Oli impulsively got ahold of Vivienne’s phone and smashed it as an irrational response to their argument — Many conflicting emotions surrounded Vivienne during that incident, but her instant reaction was to rationalize and repress most of her hostility in order to not cause any more trouble. On the outside, Vivienne seemed very irritable and frustrated, but nothing that sounded different than a bunch of ugly crying and swearing. On the inside, she resented Oliver with everything in her core, not for breaking a prized possession, but for cowardly leaving her behind and never properly apologizing for it. Ever since then, these two have held grudges against each other, without any expectation of it being resolved anytime soon.

Aside from the unresolved highschool conflicts, Vivienne lives a very ordinary life. She moved out of her father’s house in order to enroll in college, renting a small apartment in Las Sombras, where she also works part-time as a bartender at a nearby nightclub in order to pay the bills. As a hobby, Vivienne composes songs on her own and shares them online, which resulted in her connecting with a few people along the way, one of them being her current partner Marshall.


Alessandro and ██████ Marino lived in an old manor, inherited by ██████ in a small village with a pathway to ██████ father’s farm. Besides the looks of the place, they lived a wealthy life as Alessandro had made quite the amount of savings through investors prior to Vivienne’s birth. The couple chose to live in the woods as it was safer for them to raise their half-human kid without a fear of judgment, as their home was quite isolated from the rest of the village. Vivienne’s birth went as planned, but the following months were uncertain as ██████’s vampire traits rubbed off on the newborn and displayed at a very young age — the most prominent feature being her cat-like eyes. Although ██████ could disguise herself as human very well, and Alessandro’s medicines were efficient in suppressing the need for blood, she feared the same would not be possible for Vivienne as she grew up.

Vivienne was a very particular child, she wasn’t as hyper as the other kids in the village and didn’t know how to socialize until later on. During her time outside, she’d only stand still and observe the kids playing around — Every once in a while she’d try to socialize by inviting kids to play with her, but they’d always turn her down with comments that compared her to a monster or a cryptid because of her “freakish” appearance. The bullying carried on until kindergarten, where Vivienne was purposely avoided by other kids in the class and even by a handful of fearful teachers. The loneliness started to affect her and it became very visible to her parents as well, as Vivienne would often refuse to go outside and would rather isolate herself in her room and stay there until the night crept in.

The situation worsened when Vivienne started to act aggressively towards those that would often bully her, clawing and hissing at anyone that eyed her differently. Seeing her own child growing up so isolated and demonized by people broke ██████’s heart, and in an act of guilt and impulse, she ran away from home, blaming herself for Vivienne’s traits — In attempt to help them, she also left behind a note suggesting that Alessandro would look into a place where Vivienne is allowed to be a dhampir as she wishes, a make-believe island that she envisioned as a safe haven for them both.

Besides the suggestion seeming very out of place, given how even the most remote of villages were filled with fear and prejudice against monsters, Alessandro took his wife’s suggestion very seriously and dedicated part of his time into research about a secluded place where he and Vivienne could live safely. It was through an old friend from the military that he found out about Area 49 — colloquially known as Monster Island. Typically monsters are sent to the Island, but Alessandro managed to fill out a form for relocation, signed by his colleague, to officially move to this secluded island of “promises”.

Vivienne’s memories of moving to Monster Island are quite blurry, and so are the memories of her mother running away from home or her father’s expression when he found out. Ever since this incident, she’s been trying to put together the puzzle pieces about her mother’s motives and whereabouts.


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[ boyfriend ]

Their relationship is fairly recent but it feels as if they have some sort of soul connection. Vivienne met Marshall through one of his mythbusting livestreams — The sort of content she adored, with all the research into the myth to the documented proof-checking investigation. On the other hand, Marshall knew about Vivienne through a few of her uploaded songs on MonsterTunes, and quickly fell in love with her content. After initiating conversation through social media, Vivienne decided to meet up with Marshall at a small bar in Las Sombras, and since then they’ve been getting to know each other a bit better and enjoying their days together as sweethearts.



[ childhood enemy ]

Vivienne never liked Oliver’s presence. They met in military school, which was already a place she loathed because of how much time she’d have to spend away from her father. It seemed that in the beginning, Oli wasn’t very fond of Vivienne either, they would constantly bicker and argue over the typical gifted kid things: grades, class tasks, academic praise, etc. Their relationship worsened after Oliver accidentally smashed her phone as an irrational reaction during an argument and ran off without ever apologizing for her mistake. Ever since this incident, Vivienne simply can’t put into words how she doesn’t stand Oli and her cowardly attitude, and although she tries her best to not fall into confrontation again, they do end up arguing every once in a while.

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