tbn's Comments

Hello! I absolutely love this character!!

 would you accept/consider art or characters for this character?

I can offer any characters here:




Also here are my art example ^^

if you aren’t interested that’s perfectly ok! Thank you for taking the time to consider! Have a great rest of your day/night! 

I'm extremely tentative on Xena when it comes down to character/art offers but I'd be willing to trade her for perhaps two fulls and this baby?


I can definitely do two fulls and that character! Who would you like me to draw? :3

(Also I’ll go ahead and put the character on hold, I can send her once I get done with the two fulls! ^^)



Can you draw them? And for the second one can you draw her anthro please?

Ya I can definitely draw them! Any specific posing? Also for the second character, is there anything I need to keep in mind? (Hair style, body shape, etc)

Something sassy for Miyu! I want her wearing her clothes and jacket, but I want her covered in oil like she's been working, one hand on her hip and a wrench in her other hand! 

And for the second one, just make her how you see her anthro, but make it as similar to her feral form as possible, try not to change too much!

3 Replies