Cain Astagian



5 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Cain Hillel Drest Timaios

Last Name



April 2nd














Royal mage ; Magic teacher


Cain is a royal mage for the human court. He's also a magic teacher for Prudence and Marianne.


Cain is a quiet and discreet man. Unobstrusive, he doesn't like to get attention on him, and prefers to let place others. Analytic, he easily gets people's personnality, and has a good diplomatic, knowing words to say to people to calm them down, or to be in agreement with them. He doesn't like conflicts, and is able to overcome or avoids them, and always finds a way to find a consensus for satisfying everyone.

However, his quiet and reserved personnality hides a more authoritarian side of his personnality. Docile, but not submissive, he dislikes idle peoples, and doesn't hesitate to scold them if he has the opportunity, being very strict with them. Hard-working, he's very invested into his work of scientist mage, being a life passion. Devoting his entire life to magic, he's very curious about every thing not discovered yet at this subject, and gets easily excited when his researchs advance.

He's also someone very determined and loyal to people he considers worthing his trust. Schemer, he can elaborate twisted and dangerous plans for achieve his aims. However, he still stays very prudent, and before to elaborate a plan, calculates all risks and possiblities he can meet.

When coming to love, Cain loses all his means. He becomes surprisingly keen for women pleasing him. Hopeless romantic, he falls very fastly in love with women, justifying these crushs by small details, like an eye contact, or a smile. He always makes the first step, and offers a lot of gifts and flowers. Nevertheless, Cain doesn't know very well how to flirt, and is considered by women he's flirting with as a taxing man. His clumsiness and his nervosity brings him to say inappropriate stuffs, offending most of his suitors. Moreover, he tries to act very confident, for hiding his awkwardness. But women are always more offended than before, thinking Cain is juste a rude person, and often, asks him to stop to talk to them. Each new sentimental failure hurts a lot Cain's feelings, being very sensitive. He can depress for some days, not getting his faults. More, his sentimental life gives him a bad reputation into nobles, and is frequently mocked, suggesting his non-serious into romantic relationships. A reputation affecting a lot Cain, trying to convince people about the sincerity of his feelings for women he loved.


  • He has a weakness for strawberry.
  • He hates wearing human clothes. He's more comfortable into wearing elfic clothes, finding it more stylish.
  • He loves jewelleries.
  • He has a lot of medals due to his achievements in magic community.
  • He's the first human to have entered into the magic school.


Cain Hillel Drest Timaios is the second son of a noble family, the Astagian. He has an older brother, Nino, 8 years his older. His parents live thanks to annuities of their lands they rent to peasants.

Even though he's loved, Cain is more often neglected by his parents for his old brother Nino. Magic prodigy, his parents dedicate all their wealthiness and times on classes and private teachers for him. Very proud of him, they hope then to make him an important mage at the court, or a minister. However, Cain's brother disagrees with these expectations, and have other goals in mind. Rebellious and daredevil, he's the first to disturb the tranquility of home, and run far away, in woods. However, each time he comes back, dirty and wounded, his parents never scolds him, and is more worried than anything else, letting their laxity get the upper hand. Cain, young and powerless, assists to these events, without possibility to intervene in any way.

Despite Cain have distant relationships with his parents, being mostly raised by servants and nannies, his lack of parental proximity is partially filled by the presence of his brother. Nino just adores his little brother, and likes to take the little boy on his knees while he has to study books for becoming a good mage. He very often plays with him, kindly teases him, and gives him tactile sign of affections, like hugs, kisses on cheeks and cheeks pinching. In rare occasions, their parents try to discourage Nino to spend so much time with his little brother, fearing it turns away him from studies. But Nino, furious, just abducts his little brother and runs away in woods with him. Each time it happens, Cain, despite his young age, doesn't say anything and isn't afraid, feeling in good hands, with his brother at his side.

At 5, while Nino studies with Cain on his knees, he notices his little brother seems to understand the book in front of them, and tries to replicate the complex exercise inside. Curious, he lets him try the exercise, and even encourages him. He's impressed to see his little brother succeeds the exercise with almost easiness. When he asks to Cain how he did that, Cain answers him it was " just obvious ". Excited and fascinated, Nino jumps of joy, constating his little brother is a prodigy, like him. During months, brothers read their lessons together. However, for saving Cain from pressure and stress, this discovery remained a secret for parents, and makes promise to Cain to never reveal it to anyone.

At 7, Cain's brother, for escaping the family pression, decides to become a soldier for the royal army. His parents strongly disapproves, wanting rather to make him a mage, but Nino secretly signed up, at his parents' despair. However, they still send magic teachers and do expensive spendings for his education. Meanwhile, Cain looks at the situation, but doesn't say anything, convinced to not being enough interesting for his parents. He's sad to not see his brother as often as before. He still keeps his gift for magic as a secret, and studies while they're absent. 

At 8, Cain falls in love with Engels, his governess, 35 years older. He has a huge crush on her, and frequently gift her flowers he found in the realm of the familial mansion. Engels finds the little boy very lovely, but one day, she explains him he shouldn't feel this way. The young boy, gets suddenly angry, and asks her with despair if he's allowed to still be in love with her. Amused, she answers he can do what he wants, as long he doesn't disturb her in her work.

This same year, Cain learns his older brother passed the exam for becoming a squire with a sudden impulse. He doesn't get the decision of his brother, but decides to not being involved with. However, Nino's new vocation doesn't allow to Cain to get his parents' attention, always decided to make of their older son a mage. But, getting they can't give enough time to their younger son, they daily invite children from others nobles family to play with Cain. This last becomes overjoyed with his parents' choices, and compensate the missing interest of his parents by having  playmates. 

At 9, Cain falls in love with a new recruited servant, but in vain. However, the young woman, Awaka, accepts to play with the young noble with swords, and spends a lot of time with him. These moments spent together, and this sweetness for him, enhances Cain's feelings for the servant. He asks her hand, asking to marry her when he will have 18. For not hurting his feelings, Awaka answers him they will see about it later. She's later warned by Engels and other older servants, to be careful with her behaviour, and it's out of the question to create hopes of this kind to the young master, if she doesn't want to anger his parents. The new recruit retorts with nonchalance there's no way to worry for her, perfectly knowing what she's doing.

At 10, while Cain wanders into the familial mansion, the young boy hears cries coming from the parental room. He sees by the lock of the door his mother, buckled on the bed, with his father trying to comfort her. He spies their conversation, and learns, at his surprise, his brother, who became a knight, ran away with a faunette, vanishing and without trace. But he's caught in the act by a servant, scolding him for spying at doors. The patriarch Astagian hears remonstrances, and discovers his younger son and his employee in front of his private appartmeents. Getting Cain heard the conversion, instead of grumbling, decides to quietly explains him the situation. This trust highly flatter Cain, improving his self-esteem. 

Following this incident, the Astagian father spends a lot of money for hire mercenaries, for finding his son and getting him back at home. But mercenaries finding no hint where to find the missing one, or his partner. Progressivly, the scandal about the eldest Astagian is gone to marry a faunette is spreading and the Astagian family becomes the laughing stock of nobles, being the target of mockings and libels. Others nobles families don't join ragging but now refuses to mix with them, afraid to have a sallied reputation. Cain and his parents are sidelined from various events and meetings with nobles, creating a malaise. He doesn't have friends for playing with him anymore, and his mother is rejected from her friends circle. Moreover, excessive spendings from the Astagian father highly worries his wife, begging him to stop research Nino. However, the father persists, and continue to spend lavishly.

in progress