Mori Yajū (Beast)



2 years, 1 month ago




Introvert Extrovert
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Humorous Serious

While this beast form contains Mori, it also contains an entity which is the source of her powers. Ths entity she named Beast.

Beast is a ruthless creature, eating his fill at no expense or thought of others. He and modern-day predators share the same mindset of anything being free game. He has a very limited vocabulary. He is only able to say one-word sentences, his favorite being "Kill." He lacks the chemical response that tell oneself when they are full, which leads to him being over gluttonous and only stopping when he can no longer move properly.

While he understands emotion, he doesn't care. Mori is the only thing that gives him some sort of moral compass as she gives incentives if he listens to her wishes. This is simple as having more free reign in The Forest or being able to surface in her human form to tear into some raw meat.


Her mother, Rose, did her best to hide Mori away from the rest of the family due to their ties with the local mafia. Rose has also had her 3 daughters taken from her by her brother-in-law, Tenma. Tenma had put them to work in the "family business" and toyed the idea of killing Rose to keep them in place. Only 1 sister, Kanna, remains alives and cares for Mori.

Mori was unaware of the situation brewing behind the scenes as she was a child. Around four years old, she got into an arguement with a kid at school and in the heat of the moment she bite the kid hard enough to draw blood. This awaked her quirk and she shifted into her full beast form and went on a rampage. This rampage lasted about 45 minutes, however hero's were able to stop and subdue her till she could come back. When it made local headlines, Tenma began brewing a plan up and was willing to go extreme lengths. Tenma ended up killing Rose to finally snatch Mori and begin training her to become the heir of the organization. From around 4-12 years old, Mori endured rigourous training and a very limited world to 'ensure' she would be heir.

Punishments were more physical as he had no leverage to use. Around 8 years old, Tenma took advantage of her beast form to clear out smaller gangs quickly. This leads to Mori's memory during this age period being spotty and almost non-existant. As of now, Mori is only aware of 4 deaths she cause when in reality she has slain and eaten around 50+ people. After her summer in Japan, she knew she wanted to be a hero. Luckily, Kanna learning the death of mom years later, came out of hiding and retieved Mori. They currently live in Japan and Mori attends UA as they were the only ones willing to take her in with a spotty education. Mori also uses UA's notable status to keep Tenma at bay. Her main goal is to take down Tenma, while its at any means necessary, she wants to try the legal route first.

Summer in Japan

While Mori cannot recall alot of her childhood,one thing she knows is that she hated every second of it. While her world was limited, she was able to grasp a concept of right and wrong and she knew what she was forced to do was beyond the realms of wrong. At one point, she managed to muster up the courage to tell Tenma that she didn't want to keep doing the things she did. Tenma, obviously, did not take a liking to it and allowed one of the members to attack her as punishment. This member used his barbed-wire quirk, that left a scar on Mori's neck. This was her ultimate breaking point and she began to loathe the existance of Tenma. Around 12 years old, Tenma sent her to Japan to spend a summer with a close friend of his, Shigaraki. This was meant to allow Mori to encounter more serious situations in exchange for sharing her administration based knowledge with his fellow student. Mori ended up training with a Tomura Shigaraki as a means of bouncing known knowledge off eachother. As much as she hates to say it, she didn't dislike him and enjoyed his company. Her reasoning being "I've experienced worse."

Change of Heart

During her stay in Japan, she was allowed almost complete freedom with minor restrictions. She was allowed to wander around however, she was to stick close by Tomura as All-for-One had his doubts on the state of Mori's conscience. The one time Tomura wasn't feeling up to a night walk. Mori was allowed to leave and wander on her own. Her plan was to head to a nearby forest to relax when the scent of smoke caught her nose. Following the scent, she came across a burning building, hero's below were argueing. Upon closer inspection Mori saw a woman struggling to open the window with orange glow behind her. The hero's were too busy to see her while Mori could. At this moment Mori decided someone needed to help. She scaled up the building with her partially shifted form to the 8th floor and retrieved the woman who was barely gripping to concioussness. She decided to jump down as the flames began to burn and nip at her skin. At this moment, a "I am Here," boomed and she was caught mid jump. She was in now in the care of the one and only All Might, howoever, she didn't know at the time and while the other hero's scolded her he thanked her. She quickly ran off before any of them could hold her there for the police. While she sustained minor injuries, she walked away with a new mission in life. At that moment she decided she wanted to be a hero.


Final Form

Her human form is better equipped for defense, while this Beast form is better equipped for offense. She usually can manage and control this form however, she is super sensitive to smells and easily excitable. The smell of too many people or too much blood can lead to Beast and her fighting for control affecting quality of battle. If she loses control, she is forced to The Forest, while Beast gets free reign of the form.

This form is barely able to stretch its ligaments, 3ft(1m), but is enough to help with adjustment. Being able to puff/shrink their girth and morph them to achieve a anthro pose as well as feral. By puffing or shrinking her limb girth she can pack a hefty blow or remain nimble during a fight.

Beast gaining free reign is very bad, as he is the essence of pure, animalistic, and feral instinct. He will hunt as he pleases, giving no shits of who he eats. He will occasionally respect Mori's wishes however if she's not careful, he may obey the wish but corrupt it in some way.


This form for one reason or another causes uneasyness/fear in people. Roaring in this form calls to the personas instinctual fight, flight, or freeze response. However, the more often she roars the less effect it has. Usually more than 3 roars has little to no effect.


This form is unaffect by the cold and frost.


This form has the natural fear to flame and avoids it at all cost if possible. It is also very susceptible to burns from flame or heat above 100F/38C.

The scent of wolfsbane and wisteria causes her to lose her sense of smell if its in her range.

  • Red Foods
  • Daydreaming
  • Fruits
  • Night-Time
  • Cold Weather
  • Big Events/Gatherings
  • Most bugs
  • Most vegetables
  • Malicious People

  • Final Form is the visual fusion of Beast and Mori.
  • The final form stands at 8ft(2.5m) tall.
  • His vocabulary is very limited: Yes, No, Eat, Kill.
  • The word 'Death' is only used to convey a fatal situation.
  • Beast has a whooping kill count of 350+ people.
  • Kanna believes that it's passive comes from this kill count.
  • Mori's nightmares are memories replayed of Beast's killing.
  • The longest Beast was in control was 6 months.
  • In The Forest, He has killed Mori 44 times.

VA Lines

Beast Voice Effect Sub: Cart Titan
Beast Voice Effect Dub: Idk this
Beast Growls & Roars: Skull Crawlers
Age ???
Pronouns he/him/they/it
Gender yes
Sexuality ???
Affiliation Class 1-A