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faved this and Jackie and subbed

faved this + jackie + subbed!

faved, already had jackie faved and already subbed lmao, here's my bulletin

Faved this, faved jackie and subbed!

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This user is not visible to guests.

subbed and faved both ^^

faved this + jackie and made a bulletin!

faved jackie + this post!

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faved, subbed and faved jackie!!! ^_^

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already subbed

made bulletin

Faved Jackie!

faved! ty

Faved both + Subbed!!

Faved both

Faved this and Jackie, already subbed

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faved, already subbed, and faved jackie ^^


Faved this, subbed and faved jackie!

Faved this + Jackie and subbed! <3

Faved this, jackie, and subbed!

Did all but bulletin^^

Liked all and subbed!! :]

liked raffle i subbed bcuz damn even if it wasn't an extra entry these are gorgeous designs and i like jackie <3

Faved this + Jackie and subbed ^_^

Done everything (was already subscribed and had Jackie faved before the raffle started)

faved this and jackie!


alr subbed, faved this and jackie!!

faved both and subbed !! <33 

Already subbed and faved Jackie!

Did everything! (Was already subbed ^^ )

Your designs are so crunchy and eyepopping, excited to see what you make for this raffle no matter the winner. Did everything but bulletin. Have a lovely day!

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Did everything including the Bulletin

faves subbed n faved jackie!!

Faved this and jackie!! :D

subbed, favorited this and jackie, and here is a bulletin can't believe you're only at 50 subs wdym

subbed and faved jackie also random but i initially found you thru a friend who really loves your designs and your stuff is just SO SO good i cannot believe you dont have more subs i didnt even realize i wast subbed to you until i went to check because your stuff is just SOO cool

hello hello I'm already subbed and have Jackie faved already, here's a bulletin :]

subbed, favd, favd jackie, and did a bulletin !!