
7 months, 3 days ago

Basic Info

designer tos

do not sell for money unless additional art is commisioned. since this is a free design, the base price will be 0! when deciding to trade or sell, please alert me first! just send a quick message so I know what's up. please authorize me if you need them hidden! ♡



he/they - AMAB male - bisexual



rather hard to predict, opaline isn't one many find themselves comfortable with. he tends to switch up at a moments notice, one second being sweet and playful and the next harsh and threatening. they never seem to acknowledge this or apologize, simply moving on as if nothings happened. this leads to several cats feeling quite wary and unsure about him, staying away and leaving him mainly without a solid group of friends. the only cat he actively tones this down for is rue, but even with her he slips up. they never mean what they say when they scream at her- it just comes out. they hope she knows that.



opaline was born to a pair of young cats who were far from ready for parenthood. their father soon realized that he couldn't handle the responsibility and ran off one night, leaving their mother, blue, to care for them alone. blue tried desperately to make up for opaline's missing caretaker, and made sure to focus all of her energy into playing with him and making sure he was fed. they eventually grew to despise their father for leaving blue all alone with them- but more, they wished they had been worth staying for. it was here that they seemed to develop a vigorous need for male validation, going as far as seeking out older, weaker cats who they could stay with and provide for in exchange for compliments and affection. he eventually stumbles upon meadowlark's village, and is taken in once he admits to her his current struggles. it's only a few days later when he meets rue. she was visiting with her parents on one of their many trips to the village, and the two were immediately drawn to each other, having an instant connection. opaline soon found himself desperately awaiting his best friends next visit, and meadowlark noticed. she advised him to be open about his feelings, and he anxiously obliged, confessing to rue when she visited next. she returned the feelings excitedly and the two started dating. time passed, and eventually came the time that rue wished for him to move away with her. opaline was more than willing, bur one problem resisted. her father. opaline was frighteningly jealous of rue's relationship with acolyte, often refusing to indulge in conversation with him in fear of lashing out and frightening his lover- and her guardians. he often would get angry and annoyed with rue based on how she interacted with and spoke to her father, leaving her confused and frustrated. her leaving home would be an excellent chance to finally let this go- but opaline fretted that acolyte would visit often, and it might only get worse. he pondered this for moons, until eventually rue pushed the question again. trying to set aside his jealousy, opaline agreed. the two settled into a burrow that rested half a days journey away from the village, and in turn, acolyte and rosaline's tree. life carried on as usual, with opaline planning hunting trips when acolyte was arranged to visit. until rosaline died. acolyte momentarily moved into opaline and rue's burrow to cope with his grief, and it helped rue as well. but it only angered opaline. he buried it deeper and deeper, desperate not to lash out at rue in a vulnerable state. but it wouldn't last. soon enough he did break, and he started screaming at acolyte when rue was out on a walk. the older cat broke down in tears, which only made opaline feel worse. he kept screaming and throwing things, until he heard a shaky voice calling his name. rue had walked into the burrow, tears in her eyes. opaline tried to reason with her, explaining how he was just mad at acolyte, and once he was gone everything would be better. but rue had seen too much. seen her father weeping on the floor. heard the words meant to stay unspoken. she moved out with her father, and opaline never saw her again. he spent the rest of his days doing what he did best. drifting from den to den, hoping maybe one of the toms he rested with would want him to stay. nobody ever did.