


3 months, 30 days ago


Though his true identity is unknown, Tenebris is somewhat notorious in the underground. It is unclear where Tenebris is based, however he's been seen all over the country. When spotted at auctions, Tenebris instills fear in potential revenant buyers due to his history of sudden exorbitant bids, and when seen at battles, participants often hope Tenebris has not entered his Cyclops into the day's roster, as it is known to be especially merciless.

Tenebris wears a dark metal helmet-like mask and hooded cloak - though he doesn't appear to have any Lelumic associations on the surface level. Interestingly, similar masks have been spotted on individuals at these revenant-focused events, meaning that perhaps there's some form of organization Tenebris is a part of. Tenebris' strange ring necklace is always seen on his person, though its importance is unknown. People theorize that it may have some connection to his revenant. People have caught glimpses of other pieces of jewelry on his body, namely his arms, all of it silver or another darker metal.