


4 months, 9 days ago


chaotic neutral implusive creative

name Karma
pronouns she/they
species demon cat
age 30 years
sexuality demisexual
creation date 2/8/2024
partner Radio
ref sheets SFW | NSFW
| Personality

Karma tends to be overly optimistic, even when life throws her challenges. She is determined and permisstant, always able to pick herself back up when she fails. She tries to see the good in every situation and think of ways that she can learn and grow from challenges. Because of that, to others she can appear to be chaotic or overly eccentric. She also always tries to see the good in others and tends to be very forgiving to her friends, family, and other loved ones. Karma can also be implusive and very much "in her own world". Although she doesn't mean or want to hurt others, she tends to do what she wants to do without first thinking of the consequences of her actions or how her actions could effect others. She can sometimes be seen as selfish because she has a hard time considering others. However when she realizes her mistakes, she is very remorseful and tries to do what she can to improve her implusvie behaviors.

Karma enjoys reading books or listening to audiobooks, especially while she is drawing. She is a freelance artist online, mainly doing digital art and tarot card readings. Her partner, Radio, grows weed and Karma sells it for extra income. She enjoys being around nature and going for hikes. While hiking, she likes to pick different flowers and brings them home to press and practice drawing them.

| Likes
  • Drinks: Mocha iced coffee and sweet tea
  • Food: Spicy foods, McDonald's
  • Smoking and chilling with her partner
  • Drawing digital art
  • Reading books and/or listening to audiobooks
  • Dinosaurs (she collects any dino merch)
  • Hiking and collecting flowers
  • Squishmallows
| Affinities
  • Punk clothing and accessories
  • Anything demon/devil related
  • Smoking/weed
  • Shadows or black flames
  • Any flowers but especially lavendar or purple ones
  • Tarot cards