Hello!!! Could I get the foxy racer please? All your stuff is so adorable 😭😭

Of course! Thank you so much for enjoying my art, you're so kind!!! TTVTT <333

Let me know if this link works okay! https://www.paypal.com/invoice/p/#FA5M5ZJ2KHB5UE3T

It works great! Just sent the payment :)

BHJKHDKJHFKJ you're so speedy LOL i'll transfer them rn!!

Heheh I just happened to be re-organizing one of my characters 🙈 THANK YOU!!! I'll take good care of them!! I might have to draw them a racecar :)

OOo good timing that i hopped on right after work XDD And heck yeah, i appreciate it so much!! I'm so happy they'll go to a new home hehe A racecar would be so fun!!!