5$ gacha 13/18's Comments

May I roll?

of course! please send here for your rolls^^


you've rolled 18! let me know if you'd like a reroll!

Isn't 18 on hold? If I'm wrong I'll definitely keep :o

nope, 16 is the one on hold, 18 is open! I'll send them over^^

1 Replies

Would you take anything other than money? I can offer chars or art, if you want chars feel free to look around! And for art it will only be colored or uncolored busts or headshots. 

I do like these two



are you looking to get a roll(s) or a AB?

Maybe a AB for 6 or 16? I can do https://toyhou.se/10799843.-

I'd be willing to give you a roll or two for that one but not a AB, sorry ^^

Ok! Could you do a roll and a reroll for them? 


11 Replies

can I get two normal rolls!!

yep! please send here for your rolls ^^


you've got 13 and 15! let me know if you want any rerolls ^^

can i reroll both? :p payment sent !

of course! you've rerolled 8 and 11 ^^

2 Replies

ab 2 fo 10?

please send to this paypal and I'll send them over! the bust will be done in 1-4 weeks depending on how busy I am ^^

okay!! I'm gonna send an extra $5 for a roll as well!!

you've rolled 4! let me know if you want a reroll!!

I'll keep them!!

great! sending them both now

2 Replies