Omg omg so ik i literally just made arrangements to do a trade w you buuuut would you be interested in any amount of art for cut my life into peices if theyre still open??? ofc if u dont wanna discuss this till after our ych trade is completed i understand :33

omg if 14 and 22 are still available id love to offer! i can do artor offer characters, just let me know which youd prefer!

your art is adorable! do you think you could do two icons? (one for 14 and one for 22)

Awe thank you!! and for sure, who’d you like done :o? 

Do you think you can do ic and ? let me know if you want me to pick other guys for you to draw :]

Oh my god I adore them I can absolutely do them for you!! 

Thank you! I’ll send them over when you’re done 

HI for yellow guy, shrimpy and firestar doesnt like waffles  dddoes anyone in my th interest you ANND i can offer 3 fullbodies as well :3

Hi! you could do a full for each (so three fulls?) plus a character  If  that’s alright with you?  I was thinking number 8 from here ? If you’re kinda picky with that one, I can pick another character :] let me know if you’re cool with that!

sorry but i said id give them to someone as part of a different set of payments!

you’re good! I’d be willing to take 1 from here Instead ? Let me know if they’re pending too and I can work something different out if they are, sorry 😭😭

ggghhh sorry again but im super duper tentative on that one so idk if id be willing to do them and all 3 fulls SORRY im being really difficult hh

No no you’re ok! Are you comfortable with doing a simple custom then? It can be on base if that’s easiest for you, or if you just wanna do the three fulls I can work with that too

4 Replies

Does anyone here interest u for 3? :3

If not I cann offer a fullbody or some icons xP

Hii! I’d be willing to take a fullbody for em’ :]

Epic, who'd ya want drawn? :3

Do you think you can draw ic?


Yay! Feel free to take your time, I’ll transfer them over once you’re done :]

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Yeah they’re open! I’d be interested in a fullbody each for 7 and 17?

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Oh yeah, 20 is open too, would you mind drawing a full for that one as well? Also for the fulls can you draw  And ? Tysm, I’ll transfer them all over once you’re done!!

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You can send em when you’re done with them all :] thank you!

6 Replies


(Ack sorry for the extremely late reply) I connected with the guy and decided to keep him sorry :[ I decided to let you know because I felt kinda bad about it but I also really like your art lol, sorry once again

Aw it's no problem!! :3 

anyone from here for authentic tears? if not intrested i can offer art :3

10/sans reference - i can do a base custom or a bust sketch himb ^^ if u think hes worth more feel free to tell me im open to haggling

I can do a base custom if you’re up for it! if You’re cool with that I can let you know what I’m looking for :)

Sure! Of ypu also have a preference in bade feel free tp send over if not just lmk if you want anthro/feral ^^

Kinda random but could you do a anthro character based off this drink? Doesn’t have to be a super complex design, feel free to take creative liberties too, Ty!


For sure! Are there any characteristics/features you aoecifically want to see? If not ill start on it asap :3

I don’t think I want anything in particular, feel free to do whatever, and Ty! 

5 Replies

may offer anyone in CountDracula for 15 ? I can also make wiggle gif

I think these guys are pretty neat:

let me know if you’re interested in giving either of those guys away! (You can add a gif if you want but you don’t have to!)


Tysm! I’ll transfer the guy over real quick,,,

Why do I feel like snake tail and Flowy would be besties

They should be besties

I can offer 1 fulls and 2 busts each for bullseye and bomb pop:333 theyre so silly

Yeah I can do that for each of them! Also I’m fine with you doing just one bust each instead of two, your art is really cool and I’d feel kinda bad 😭😭 just let me know if your cool with that and I can show you the characters I want drawn!

That works!:33 who should i draw?

ofc!! ill start working on them😋

You sent the wrong guy</3 i offered for bullseye not red bull:-( sorry

Oof, sorry bout that! I can go transfer him rn

Also you can delete or transfer Red Bull  back

1 Replies