


3 months, 3 days ago


allison "allie" wakiya

5'6, around 145 lbs, 28 (current age), 18 (flashback age)

birthday is December 12th 1988


Allison’s technique is called “Blood construction.” It is a variation of blood manipulation that has a tendency to be stronger on average. Blood construction allows the user to use their own blood to form items, it is mostly used for weapons, although it works for other things as well, another common usage being to bandage wounds in a pinch. Once the user's blood is out of their body, they can then form it into whatever their mind conjures, the blood can be extracted from the body also, although the user must have an opening. The easiest way to extract one’s blood is through an open wound, although it is not required, any of the body’s natural openings, such as the eyes or the nose, can also be used for extraction, although it requires a bit more talent and focus from the sorcerer. There is only one small branch of the Kamo family that has a chance to inherit this technique, so not much is written about it.

The domain expansion is called “Blood transference.” Once the domain has been activated, anyone within 150m radius will be pulled into it. The user of the domain then challenges everyone inside of it to a mental battle, if you win the battle, you will be freed from the user’s influence, and will not be affected by their next move, however if you lose, you lose access to your body, essentially becoming a prisoner within. Upon conquering the body, the user can now manipulate the victim's blood, as if it were the user’s own. The user can do anything they wish from this point, however the most common and default action is to change the shape of the victim's blood into tiny shards, and then proceed to rip them apart from the inside out.

The most famous Blood construction user was a Heian sorcerer by the name of Aimi Kamo. She was known for being one of the most powerful sorcerers in history, along with being one of the most evil.