"mimette" (joy lee) $40



3 months, 2 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)


mimette (her stage name) or joy! (she/her)

the personification of mime jr. she's mute, but very expressive regardless whether its through miming, art, music, or other media. she loves to be around any audience, from children to the elderly, and entertain them; their joy is contagious to her. she is composed often, content, easygoing and affable, but she can be mischievous, playing harmless pranks on others. she hates when someone gets hurt or is upset, and she considers it her goal and motive to prevent or at least ease that for those around her.

she likes to promote good habits, but she has a weakness for sweets.

when shes not working as a mime/clown, she loves to window-shop (online or in person), draw, listen to music, explore around in nature, and look at pretty sweets. she also likes to wear cute but comfortable clothing and have her hair down.