
5 years, 9 months ago


Full Name: Nattatum Yallobur
   Nickname: Tate
Species: Gemmismae
Gender: Female (she/her)
Age: 28
DOB: Tuidri 15
Height: 5'6 ft / 168 cm
Gem: Azurite (Uncommon)
Occupation: Personal Trainer
Personality: Athletic, sociable, goal-driven, determined, persistent. Tends to overwork herself.
Likes: Exercise, being outdoors, taking risks, snack food, massages
Favorite Thing: Vegetable smoothies
Dislikes: Staying still too long, dry heat, too much reading
Fears: Emotional vulnerability, in herself or others. Can't properly deal with it
Romantics: Heterosexual; needs someone who can keep up with her but also reminds her to take breaks.
Relationships: Kenai, mate; Leilani, daughter; Shae and Trish are family friends

-Tate was always a very active child, hardly ever able to sit still during her studies. She loved anything where she could perform, so while studying wasn't her best trait she could give a great presentation.
-She runs pretty much every day, and can always put a reason to it: keeping fit, clearing her mind, challenging herself, spending time with others, etc.
-She insists that she feels withdrawals if she keeps away from exercise too long. Even in serious situations she often feels the need to fidget. If she paces when she talks to you, it means she's trying to quiet her mind and listen better.
-She'll talk about having gone through a punk phase and still enjoys ripped clothing on occasion. (For anyone who comes by, feel free to draw her in more workout-oriented clothing.)

- Gemstone: Azurite (UC)              
- Ears: Small butterfly (C)
- Horns: Small horns (C)
- Eyes: Circle (C)
- Teeth: Human (C)
- Wings: None (C)
- Tail: Short round (UC)
- Legs: Canine (C)
- Element: Water (C)
- Mutation: Two glowing eyes (UC)

Overall Rarity: UC

Adopted 2019 from Koperze (6); Masterlist #66