


3 months, 4 days ago

Basic Info




Bio kindly written by Bel himself


he/they/it, male demon, ??? age


Belial was once human if you can believe it. He started his life born as not just a human but a female human. Strange, yes? Bel was previously known as "Juro", a small meek young woman who... only spoke in third person. Eventually "Juro" met a demon and thus entered a pact to grow her strength but at the risk of losing her humanity. She was warned that a life among demons was a harsh but rewarding one. She had not been told however that the transformation would be painful and... she'd have to give up on her birth sex.

So, you see, this subspecies of demon was not only male, but 99% of the population was assigned male at birth and never by conversion. The female demons were more so people of power and hell born only which left her having to completely change her body and mind.

The death of Juro gave birth to the life of the elusive demon that we now know as Belial. He was not slow to adapting to his stronger body and extra strength. 


  • Belial is now standing at an impressive height of 7ft, which is a lot considering he was once 5ft barely.
  • Belial has a "brother" who is another subspecies of demon named Jin. He is much stronger unfortunately, but he is an ungodly amount of boring if i say so myself. 
  • Doesn't care much for humans only a select few; many say this is very contradicting hence he himself was a human before the conversion, but he simply does not care. 
  • A lower rank demon... but ranks don't matter do they?
  • He might have an issue with his ego, very egotistical 
  • Has a strange habit of observation when it comes to humans or other demons. Quote: "I wish to study each of their individual mannerisms, if I can learn then I can adapt. I wish to use knowledge to my advantage. One day I might need to... "wear their skin" for a moment. i cannot become them if I do not understand the way they behave, yes?" 
  • He doesn't regret the transformation and instead is very happy about it
  • He is able to act like he once did while he was human but that is not ideal.
  • His species is able to self-reproduce or even do so with humans, yes regardless of sex. Male or Female
  • His tongue has retractable teeth that are very sharp. His tongue feels like a cats 
  • Is able to alter headspace memories, for example revert other alters into other forms or ages. 
  • Trigger happy with his weaponry...
  • Attracted to power and sin
  • Enjoys literal roleplay surprisingly.
  • Doesn't need food to survive, he feeds on sin. 
  • Once had a very intense interest in Shiki. He explains that his rage was intoxicating but his pain was even more so... he now does not bother to deal with Shiki, but it was fun while it lasted. 
  • Likes to address all humans as "Human."
  • Has dated humans before which is forbidden but his "Love" was faux. 
  • Has an utter hatred for emojis, will not elaborate on why.
  • Humans in his world are considered pests which is why many of the demons are encouraged to hunt them or make deals with them. Bel does not hate all humans, but he is very particular about which he will associate with and who he will not.
  • His ears and tail can be swapped out for demon tail and horns.
  • Very perverted in nature but that is what most demons are, we are beings of sin for hells sake...
  • Everything must have a benefit. If it does not, then why should he waste his time?