Hoshiga Sumiki



2 months, 19 days ago


Hoshiga Sumiki

Alias Miki-chan

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Age Appears 22, Immortal

Race Dragon

Ethnicity Japanese, Asian

Theme Scars To Your Beautiful - Alessia Cara

HTML Pinky


Sumiki is a dragon and a minor deity with the abilities to transform into a human. She was brought into existence right before humans were created. Since she was young, she had a large facination with humans, just because they were so complex and interesting. She wants to live like a human and understand them from close up. She just wants to have fun while living in the human world and even attends a university there. She is a fashion design major and studies trends.

She has the power to create, use, and manipulate crystals as well as divination. Before coming into the human world, she was in charge of bringing clarity to humans, offering prophecies and advice through the clarity of her crystals. She found the prophetic aspecy of her job was fun, but she was bored doing the rest.


Height 5'5

Eyes Pink, Red (Transforming)

Skin Tone Pale

Hair Style Long, Curled

Hair Color Pink

Scars/Unique Markings Beauty mark under right eye.

Archetype The Artist


  • She often likes to wear cute clothes and bright colors.
  • She wears earrings, but isn't too big on jewlery otherwise.
  • She is sometimes seen wearing a headband.
  • She likes getting into human trends and often dresses to follow.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Sumiki is described as a cheerful, lovely, and cutesy individual. She is known to be fun-loving, kind, and happy-go-lucky.Sumiki has a high sense of individuality and identity, but loves to follow fun fashion trends or beauty trends. She has a fascination of humans and is even fond of them. She especially love fluffy animals but is repulsed by bugs, creepy crawlers, and frogs. She is a bit vain, but she genuinely likes to make others happy. This doesn't mean that she's a people pleaser as she is straightforward and will set her boundaries. She doesn't present herself to be, but she is very intelligent and clever.



Sumiki is absolutely enthralled with the way humans express themself with clothes, so she loves doing the same. It makes her feel pretty.


She loves art, looking at it and creating it, she thinks its beautiful. She likes to paint.


She likes working with her hands so she loves making clothes or decorations on her own. She knows how to sew, knit. and crochet.

Warm weather

She likes cooking/baking and going on picnics with friends.



Sumiko hates messy and disorganized places, she's not a neat freak, but things are just much better clean.

Spicy food

"It literally burns my tongue, why would anyone like it?" -Sumiki.

Bugs and Creepy Crawlers

If there was a mistake in this world, she things that bugs and creepy crawlers are it.

Gloomy Weather

It makes her feel down and that she won't get to go out for fun.



Voice Claim

Shoko Ieiri


Neutral Good.








Sumiki was brought into existence, essentially born, to Hachiman the god of war, divination, and future. She was raised lovingly by Hachiman and she loved him as her father. She was born a few years before the creation of humans. After their creation, she was given the task of becoming a prophet for the humans, a way for humans to connect with the gods. Due to her crystal manipulation powers, she could use the reflective mirror-like properties from her crystals to use as a communication tool. She found her work boring and decided to teach some humans that showed promise how to use divination by blessing them with a fraction of her power.

After this she would abandon her duties to go play in the human realm. Her father and creator, Hachiman was looking for her, but as she was blending in with the humans, living as they did, he could only pick up small traces of her. Although he couldn't find her. Sumiki loved living among the humans, but she noticed that she had grown ill. Fortunately, Hachiman found her in time. She found out that the more time she spent away from the holy realm, the sicker she got.


Due to worry for his daughter, Hachiman had locked Sumiki away in the holy realm to keep protected. Although she often snuck out to play with the humans. She loved humans and learning about them. Hachiman caught her and they ended up having a big fight about it to which, out of spite, Sumiki broke the link between the human realm and the holy realm as she had the power to do so. The other gods were furious, but Sumiki was resilient and did not bow down. After this, Hachiman locked her in a tower, completely isolated until she would fix the link. She was trapped in the tower for a hundred years and the humans were really suffering from not gaining blessings and aid from the gods. The other gods convinced Hachiman to release her, and once she was released, she demanded that she would be allowed to live among the humans. Hachiman refused, but instead of locking her up again, he came with a solution. She could live among the humans but she must answer every summon and come to stay in the holy realm for two week every 6 months. Sumiki agreed and fixed the link between the human realm and the holy realm.


After that whole ordeal, Sumiki began to live with the humans again, honoring her promise to her father. She was happy to experience that humans went through, through the ages via their fashion, traditions, and trends. It was very fun for her and she liked having the chance to also go through them herself.

Eventually, she met her elder brother, Koji, for the first time in a millenia. She was surprised to see what he had done and become in the human realm, in fact, she hated it. She didn't like his morals, ideals, or cruelty. Still, he was her brother and she loved him. After seeing him again, he became her benefactor of sorts. He payed for her to attend university, not expecting anything from her and letting her study whatever she wanted, he also payed for all her living expenses and her home. Although he never once went to see her or call her, the only way she could contact him is if she called him first. Whenever he wanted to check up on her, he would send an "employee" to her home and expect a full report from them. In a way, Sumiki knew that this was how her brother could best show that he loved her or that he cared for her.





Mizuame Kuumo


They attend the same university and are friends. She gets along well with him despite his aloof personality, and feels a special bond with him as a friend since they're both dragons.


Hoshiga Koji


Koji is technically her older brother since they come from the same parent, or rather the same god. Although their interests and personalities do not align. They bicker often, but Sumiki does love her brother and she knows that he cares about her too. Although she calls him her benefactor rather than her brother as a way of making fun of him since he never comes to visit her. He only sends her money, basic necessities, and very few gifts.




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