iff i offer 40usd, would you finish it and add a full-body sketch?

Heya! By finish it, do you mean adding the fullbody design to the current head? Plus adding another fullbody sketch? :3 Just asking to make sure I got it all correct! 

I'd be up to do the full design for ya, tho if you're up to I'd like to talk first about how would you want it to look in a final version if you have any idea about it! Mostly to keep it fair to the budget + possible extra art X3 

Lol sorry no i wrote it wrong. Would you please finish the character iff i offer 40usd? (i'm kinda sick at the moment, sorry for the confusion)

No worries, all good! Hope you feel better soon   

So yeah! I can finish the design for you with your offer :3

Will you be doing paypal or ko-fi? If paypal, I'd just need your email so I can place an invoice real quick~ (you can DM it for privacy purposes!)

Thank you~ and yeah, my paypal is [email protected]

Should be sent now! After confirmation I'll start working on the body concept and will poke you on DMs asap so you can check it out :3

3 Replies