Song Ji-yoon



1 month, 9 days ago

Basic Info


Song Ji-yoon


Ji-yoon, Jiji (by Go Go), Beautiful (by Richardson Mole), little punk (by High Voltage)


Bisexual, She/Her


South Korean


Close friend of Go Go. They met in school at an earlier age & went their own paths; but they keep in contact! 

Ji-yoon is part of a band- called ‘Thunder Clap’ -which was formed during school. She’s the song writer,  composer & occasional singer; she plays both electric & bass guitar [though she prefers bass], sometimes switching parts with the regular electric guitarist for songs. Go Go attends their small concerts to support her

She is aware that Go Go is a hero; having recognized her when Big Hero 6 saved Thunder Clap from Globby, when he crashed one of their outings. She hasn’t said a peep about it, though she tends to joke that she “knows the speedster girl from Big Hero 6” with no context.

Ji-yoon doesn’t like Richardson Mole. she’s heard about him through Go Go’s rants, and— she can kinda understand his POV? He’s a little kid with a crush, but also thinks he’s being really weird about it for his age & it icks her. ..sadly she can’t say or do anything about him- he’s a fan of Thunder Clap’s music, and god knows what connections he has to get back at her.
She also DESPISES High Voltage, mainly for their style. She kicked their asses in a Dance/Guitar battle, of them vs her and Go Go. She thinks she’ll never shred as hard as that extended guitar solo ever again.