Lenore Shadowholt



1 month, 19 days ago

Basic Info

Available for breedings;



Name: Lenore Shadowholt | Pronouns: she/her | Age Range: appears mid 20's | Orientation: undecided

Lenore is a hermet of a witch. She once was classically trained, and worked and lived among high society witches as her mother was a pureblood. But she wasn't exactly accepted, only tolerated for her immense power. She was always a little too odd, always breaking the rules and trying to come up with new and interesting spells. Eventually, done being scolded and stifled, she went her own way and started travelling around. Mostly she relies on nature for her needs and ingredients. She's best at spell casting on the fly, but she often uses potions and ingredients to strengthen her spell. She's one of the best combat witches of her generation, able to turn most things lying around into an advantage or weapon. She's working on studying medicines now, however, as her newest interest.

The Shadowholts and Brightwoods were originally from the same family tree, split off several generations ago. They don't get along, and never have. Though Lenore herself has no qualms with them personally, and Odessa Brightwood is one of the few other witches she often associates with and can stand.