If this bean is for sale I could do around 10 or art for them! <3

your art oh my god...

I'll heavily consider the 10 and ill most likely accept that, but because you're my first offer, I'll wait a bit !

Raaaaa tysm that means a lot ;;

And no worries!!! Bean caught my eye *immediately* I had to have him haha <3

Okay I can accept the $10..

Could you ab 18 from this batch? After you do ill send this pupper to ya ^^

I'm sorry I'm tired and my brain isn't computing, do you want me to draw 18 or Autobuy them and the pupper?

AA i apologize, what i meant is that you just ab 18 from that batch for me and then I could send over the pup ^^ (I canโ€™t take paypal or cashapp yet so i do it through vouchers!)

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