Animated icon comms [ON HOLD]



1 month, 15 days ago
Trade Listing
For Trade
For Offer



Can’t really take any currency rip :,D

Mostly looking at art/trades! I’ll also look at customs :D (If offering art you’re probably gonna be drawing this guy or their other forms!)

Pls state what kinda expression you want in your offer and link the character you want drawn :]

I heavily prefer doing simpler characters since my app gets really laggy the more layers there are but I’ll see what I can do!

idk if I’ll get to every comment if there’s a lot

Willing to do multiple icons for characters/art worth more!

The ver I’ll send will be 500x500 so if you wanna use these as th icons you should probably resize these with ezgif to 200x200

‼️‼️Everything’s getting put on hold for a week!! I really really need to get caught up in school right now or I’m not gonna be able to graduate in time. Sorry for the wait! :,0 ‼️‼️

I’ll resume working on these on the 14th- until then please understand I haven’t forgotten about these!

Que thing:

chazaclyzm (done)

r4tiohead (drawing)

Momoz (not started)

Raul_ 3/3 (done)

666MEAT 1/2 (drawing)

scrumby 0/2 (not started)

Zip-ToonZ (not started)