After's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

yeom Global Rules

- All designs are for personal use only. [Unless we've discussed beforehand.] 

- Please do not sell my designs for higher than what you bought them unless you have added art. Only commissioned artworks! Personal/gifts/traded art does not count!

- You are not allowed to sell designs obtained from raffles/trades, unless you have commissioned art! 

- You are free to redesign the design as much as you like as long as it's still regonisable. [Do not delete the original design off it's profile, just hide them.]

- You can make minor edits to my art ONLY if I gave permission first.

- DO NOT delete my design off Toyhouse, off-site trading is only allowed if the new owner has a TH account!

- Co-owning is completely fine, but you can only have one profile!

- Please do not hide my design, if you do, please authorise me or give me the key! I like to keep track of my designs. 

- Please do not use my design for hateful content.

DM me for further questions!