Subject 317



23 days, 14 hours ago


Subject 317
Ageless ✦ He/They/It/She ✦ Creature


A take on the concept of Mascot Horror

No one knows where it originated from, or really how exactly long it's been here, the workers just know it's there. Stalking them like prey, Subject 317 is highly dangerous and disturbing. Having no emotions it's similar to a cat in it purely plays with animals and people for entertainment, murdering them and slinging around the dead corpses like toys. Some cases much more gruesome and brutal than others. It sits, watching from afar with the trees, adorning the image of the mascot, the workers can't looks at Ever the Elk the same


It resides in a huge entertainment plot of land that is a mix of a water park and a camping site. Water and nature mixing together for all ages to come and play. This entertainment place's face being Ever the Elk, the mascot of the park

Subject 317 isn't fully anything. It isn't fully bound to this plane of existence but also isn't fully non-existent either. An enigma in reality. Due to this they have no emotions, purely killing and hurting because it is a form of entertainment for this creature

● Subject 317's form is limitless. It can be seen as what ever, often changing. The only similarities in recent history being it's documented to share similar imagery to Ever the Elk