calico !!'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

yatomori Global Rules

Breaking these terms might result in a warning, or in some cases blacklisting and voiding of designs.


-You may resell your design for its original price with the added price of commissions you may end up buying.
- If adding value of commissioned art to the resale price, it may only be the exact amount you paid for the artworks or less.
- If you are caught inflating the price you may be sale/trade locked for a time, or in cases of extreme inflation; blacklisted.

- You may not resell the design if you have traded for it or received it as a gift, however you can only sell it at its original price.

- Vouchers may only be for the designs original price.


- Commercial rights cannot be transferred over to new owners.

- My designs may not be used commercially unless discussed.

 Once you receive a design you are free to make minor edits (scars, jewelry, small tattoos, slight hue changes) without  approval. The owner is free to add/remove/change hairstyles as they  please. This includes hair color. Any outfit that the design might have  come with is completely optional. You may make as many extra outfits as  you'd like. Dress them up, go wild!