Minknose KEEP



5 years, 9 months ago



Name Minknose (Mink)

Age 21 moons

Gender Shecat

Breed Moggy

Role                                                                     Medicine Cat 

Value $25


Minknose was born to a farm cat, in which she was raised with a full stomach and healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately at 9 moons old during a large thunderstorm, the barn was struck by lightning- and was burnt to the ground. Mink and her sister were fortunate to escape the blaze and now without a home, they made a joint decision to try and thrive in the forest, in which they did fairly well. As moons went by, Minks sister began going out alone, and so Mink decided to confront her sibling about it, only to be hit with heartbreaking news, her sister was pregnant and had decided to join Windclan- with her new mate. Ever since Mink has held a grudge against her sister for abandoning her, and so decided to go on alone. In time Mink adapted to a life of solitary, but became very weary of unknown cats, however isn't completely alone, as she gained the trust of a large crow, in which she refers to him as 'Kaleo'.

After many moons of solidarity she was confronted by shadowclan territory who were fighting Riverclan pleading for their medicine cat's help who refused. She stepped up and offered to help since she knew herbs so well. Even though she was scared of unknown cats she was not going to allow them to be killed off by sickness. So they take her to camp where she healed the sick and soon became Minknose of Shadowclan. Their own Medicine cat. 

"You learn better from betrayal than friendship."

HTML by lowkeywicked