psych adopts 2



1 month, 21 days ago
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euegeughh psychology.. does anyone else know abt this

sb $12 paypal. money > art

1. lotus (pend)

based on loftus & palmer. study was abt reconstructive memory and leading questions. they showed participants videos of car crashes. all conditions were asked the same question, w the exception of when they would ask 'how fast were the cars going when they __' n would use diff verbs like smashed, hit, collided, etc. words like smashed and collided had the highest estimate, while contacted and hit had the lowest

2. lightbulb (closed)

based on yuille & cutshall. study was abt flashbulb memories n the same thing as loftus & palmer, except using ppl who had actually experienced a breakin of a store. four months after, the eyewitnesses were asked questions, w 2 leading ones. one group was asked if they saw 'a' broken headlight, the other 'the' broken headlight. same for a yellow panel. most participants did not fall for the leading questions. this is likely bc they were more stressed during the event than someone would be just watching a vid of it