
Character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.
Unspecified, thought to be late teens-Early 20s
Male (He/Him?)
Rabbit, Pygmy/Mini Lop mix



Their fates can be changed by his effort. Though it cannot expect whether the result is happy.
A petite figure with a gentle aura-- Despite his slight build, there's an underlying strength to Specs' stance, perhaps owing to his martial arts training. While he exudes a somewhat feminine charm, it's his resilience that truly defines him.

Politeness & reserve are the outer layers of Specs' personality, masking a more complex character. He navigates relationships with a rare blend of honesty & dedication, seen in his efforts to mediate a delicate situation between his (pseudo-)crush & her boyfriend. However, beneath his calm exterior lies quite the temper-- Triggered by jealousy or injustice, revealing a side of him that's fiercely protective-- Even confrontational.
Specs struggles with insecurities, particularly about his perceived lack of masculinity & short height, lashing out when these vulnerabilities are touched upon. Despite his sensitivity, he harbors a deep-seated frustration towards societal norms, especially regarding gender roles & expectations. His role as the sole caretaker of the college library reflects his reliability & independence, though it also hints at a certain isolation he might feel amidst his responsibilities.

(More information coming soon!!)


  • His birthday is December 15th.
  • He has an affinity for books (mostly crime & romance) & a bunch of of MMORPGs-- Quite the contradiction.
  • ..."Crossdresses" on the side & takes advantage of his femininity (Mostly the usage of a long wig & a variety of flowy dresses)-- That's a HUGE secret though.

...A blue sky, fluffy clouds, & the one appearing in front of my eyes are--