Tone Shift



1 month, 3 days ago


Unicorn mare who goes by she / her pronouns!! Often goes by just “Tone”. Sidekick / Villain character to Heart Breaker, so WARNINGS for *violent themes, unhealthy obsessions, and references to stalking and murder!*

Tone grew up with Interstellar and Heart as her neighbors and friends — or at least Interstellar was her friend. Tone and Interstellar grew incredibly close, with the pair often acting more like siblings than Interstellar and Heart.

That all changed one day, and ponies in town noticed that Tone had seemingly lost her cutie mark, and acted very off in comparison to her normal self. She seems cold, violent, and apathetic to the point of seeing no issue in carrying out Heart’s wishes. Interstellar was the only pony to know what had happened, yet never spoke a word — Tone herself seemed puzzled at everyone’s concern — she’d *never* had a cutie mark, right? And she’d always been a psychopath, it wasn’t her fault she was born without any empathy - at least Heart Breaker offered solace and someone to relate to!

Tone Shift became Heart’s devoted hench-mare, and will do anything the other mare asks of her — idolizing Heart like a goddess — even if that means hurting somepony else. Tone seems to *enjoy* it, as if it’s the only thing that brings the mare any sense of feeling. Tone’s appearance also changes over time as she spends more and more time with Heart, quickly agreeing to travel alongside the mare — Tone’s ears lose their softness and start to resemble horns, and her horn grows longer, sharper, and it bends at an upward angle as she uses it to harm and stalk ponies for Heart to use. For all intents and purposes, Tone Shift appears more devil than pony.

Rumors about the sudden change are split: some say it was the malevolent Heart Breaker that changed Tone’s demeanor, rumoring that all she did was awaken something horrible that already lived in Tone. Others are wary of Interstellar Beauty, pointing out how close they were and the contrast of the tense dynamic they now share.

Interstellar would never divulge what happened to Tone, but he’s unaware that the mare has begun piecing it together herself — her old cottage seemingly burnt to the ground, yet fenced off despite the lack of anything surviving the fire; her appearance never quite matching how she remembered herself before traveling with Heart and Interstellar; and the way Interstellar looks at her as if mourning someone else…

She’s likely going to be the last pony to stand by Heart’s side and not try to stop her. Rumor has it that Tone might be even *more* cruel than Heart, and has the capacity to be a much more threatening villain. Interstellar would argue much differently, but since he refuses to open up, Tone may never get the context she needs to avoid walking a path of vengeance.