If 11 happens to still be open I’d love to grab him 

In fact, when I saw that no one wanted it, I thought about staying, so I made some drawings with an idea of lore But I would love to sell him to someone who is also a medieval fan😭😭 

Heres the th btw 


If you’re willing to sell I’d be more then happy to buy him 🥺🥺🥺 honestly I was kinda glad when I was looking through the comments to see no one claim him bc he was the most medieval MDNAMNDMANS if you don’t wanna sell though or youd like some extra money bc of the extra art that’s fine too !!!

What do you think uhmmm 13 usd :3? 

I can do that !! Where would you like me to pay to :,,)

2 Replies

Is there anyone left?? :3

Only the 11 :33

Could I claim 14, 9, and 6? I can pay as soon as I get a response.

Sorry 9 are sell and 6 is in hold :( but the 14 still Open :333

Alright! Could I take 1 too if that's okay? I'll send the $20 over soon! If the hold for 6 falls through, let me know!

Sure I will send them to you when you pay, let me know when you have the money here I will leave you the Paypal for can pay :3333


I have the money right now! Do you take USD or MXN?

Any of those :333

7 Replies

Dame el 9 we

Tmb hasme el hold por el 6


X ti todo amorsh 🧍 pero la plata primero o no suelto al negro 

Pasa paypal okey

Ya esta uno wawi el otro junto y t pago cuando tenga la plata

Chi bb :3

Hi!! Can I get #13?

Yes honey :333!!

Pay here please and let me know when u pay 


Thanks sm❤️

Should be sent now!!

Sent :333!!!