Sasha Nile



8 years, 3 months ago



Sasha, Emo

Sasha Rose Moore Nile
Saw shh uh
Defender of mankind
Sash, So-so
Birth date
Jan. 8, 2145
4-ish for Gen 2. Varies otherwise
Classic Demon/ Fighter Demon/ Hourglass Time-blood hybrid

Occupation: Whatever crime his mom makes him do and babysitting for Oli. Hopes to be an author, though
Personality: Sasha's pretty much your stereotypical emo teenager. He's grumpy, gloomy, quick to anger, and it's not a phase. Despite growing up with murderers, he's pretty easy to rattle and will get traumatized by things regular people would consider traumatic. He's got a lot of pent up emotions and isn't sure if he's gonna burst into tears or punch a wall. Very reserved and dislikes people he doesn't already know. Gets exasperated easy (though maybe it's due to circumstances). Would never say it, but he just wants a hug forever
Physical Description: Kind of short. His modes are exactly the same as his mother's, being anger, sadness, and fun. His tail being short is sort of a birth defect. It didn't break off, it was just never there in the first place. Because he doesn't have any hourglasses on his body, he wears a tiny hourglass necklace that can be flipped to make the sand fall.
History: Born in the trailer park outside Boomerang Village in 2145. His childhood was much more chaotic than Oli's, as Zacaly had pretty much embraced the family of crime thing. He was too young to be taught to kill, but she was definitely thinking about it. During this time, though, the world kind of also started ending. Oli was going to leave on a quest to save things, but his girlfriend, Charlie, guilt-tripped him into bringing Sasha too. Despite him being...about four. Sasha didn't know what was going on, but it wasn't going to stop him from being a cranky baby

After the end-of-the-world incident, Sasha grows up among Werewolves, as Knapp has his pups in the trailer park


Hellspawn, getting murdered
Basic and Canine
Main Hand
Very neat and clear
Claws, fingers, knives
Fermented Mentality
Jan. 10, 2016

Details: Even though he doesn't need them, Sasha seems to like grabbing knives. They apparently make him feel safer even though he pretty much has three swords on each hand. He'll for sure seek out a knife if he feels he's in danger or is super nervous ▎Allergic to edible gold, which is kind of a bummer ▎Sasha draws, as he hopes to publish a graphic novel one day. However, he gets really bent out of shape about his art not being good enough and is terrible about comparing himself to others. Gets a lot of blocks as well. Generally easily frustrated on the topic ▎At about age 11, Sasha started triggering his Fermented Mentality on purpose. It wasn't because he wanted to hurt people. Instead, the disorder being active basically turned his brain off so he didn't have to think. Granted, this was very dangerous, but he learned to take himself out into the middle of nowhere before doing it. This confused the mode, as it was meant to kill, but there was nothing to murder. Due to repeated use, he somehow desensitized it. Now, it doesn't work properly, but he finds it ideal. Instead of killing people, it'll slink away and avoid them to the best of its ability ▎His Fermented Mentality mode rarely activates on its own, especially when other people are present ▎He involuntarily lashes his tail back and forth when he's stalking or waiting for something. When he's actually happy or contented, it'll typically be in a curl (in any direction or way - just a curl in general) ▎He doesn't seem to have any outstanding talents besides lying on the couch and going into the occasional crisis. He is aware and critically upset about this ▎Been around Werewolves a lot, so he may use canine body language ▎He doesn't like being called emo, but, boy does he hear it a lot anyways ▎He covers up his third eye with his hair, mainly because he doesn't like the way it looks. It being his only blue eye peeves him a little, so he'd rather just not see it at all. It's a bit weak from lack of use ▎Seems to have a lot of trouble with nightmares. They wake him up pretty often and occasionally won't let him sleep at all ▎Likes to drink tomato sauce, but is aware this is socially unacceptable and hides ▎Wears a lot of black ▎Spaghetti is his favorite food of all time ▎Although Zacaly did want a second child at the time, Sasha was an accident ▎
Songs: Revolution by The Score •
Ship Songs: /
Extra: [Old, unclear writing] Whenever Oli needs somebody to babysit his kids, Sasha is assigned to it. This is bad for him because those two are little demons. The moment he looks away, they disappear. They both have a tendency to eat toxic things, escape the house, commit crimes, travel through the vents (when they're small enough to fit), lay down traps, use physical violence, and generally just be the worst. Charlie putting up hidden cameras didn't seem to discourage them at all. At one point, they even tried to sacrifice Sasha to Death using a pentagram made from crayons and an organized attack. Although their plan didn't work and they annoyed Death (who later knocked on the door to tell the kids to stop calling, scaring Sasha half to death instead), it gave them the idea for next time: summoning demons (not the species - actual ones from the hell plane).

Charlie and Oli were leaving for a few days, so, naturally, Sasha came over. The day went as chaotic as usual and he couldn't get the kids to bed. At some point, he ended up passing out on the couch, worn out from all...this. He was woken up by a skittering noise. When he looked to see what it was, he found that the light bulbs had been removed, as well as any other light souse in the house. Exasperated, he told the kids to get off the ceiling and half-heartedly chased the glowing eyes around. Eventually, he ran into Death, who was eating everything in the fridge (he wasn't going to leave until he was done). The deity informed him that the children had summoned six demons and set them loose. He couldn't cancel the contract because he'd already eaten too much of the food. Death then vanished, leaving behind a note informing whoever what was happening and that the demons were now their problem. After learning that he had been chasing around hellspawn for about half and hour, Sasha did some internal screaming and then armed himself with a knife. Little did he know, the kids had left and were off in the city causing problems. Unsure of what else to do, he sat on the couch with his knife and waited for the sun to rise. It was about 1:30 AM at this point, so he had quite a ways to go. As he sat there, he became more and more paranoid about every little thing. What he didn't know, is that the demons were playing with him. They'd bat at him just to scare him, sit on their ceiling and slobber on him...stuff like that. When light finally crept into the house, he became very aware that the demons had been only inches from him the entire time. After only some screaming, he left the house, sure that the boys had to be somewhere nearby. While looking around the abandoned trailer park, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched and followed. After a while of quiet 4 AM searching, Sasha (and his heart) gave up. Also at that point, the demon that had been following him knocked his legs out from under him. Sasha chose to run. He tried to get back into his house, but Zacaly and Kevin were also out of town and had locked him out assuming he'd be at his brother's place. As a last resort, he ran around to the backyard where Gurgles greeted him. The giant bear curled around him protectively when he saw the demon, hiding him. No matter what the demon did, it couldn't get Gurgles to move. Eventually, it wandered off. Sasha clung to the bear until his parents came home.

Later, the kids were found in a store eating batteries and brought home. Zacaly went out to kill the demons that traumatized poor Sasha and kept him up almost every night since then. She couldn't find the sixth, but she assured him it'd be fine. He was needed to babysit again pretty quickly, but was too much of a mess to do it. So, Zacaly sent him off with Kevin and did it instead, scaring the two boys into submission and ensuring their demise if they didn't behave around Sasha next time. After another short span of time, Sasha was assigned to babysit again. To ease him into it, he was taken to Spider and Courtney's house instead of Oli's. Although Courtney wasn't there, Spider would be and that was better than nothing. Things went as usual for a while. The two seemed to have forgotten Zacaly's warning and were breaking things and eating whatever fit in their mouths. Spider had closed himself in his room early on, telling all three boys not to bother him. Eventually, Obi and his brother disappeared. Sasha could find no trace of them until he heard Spider yelling. Apparently, they had gained access to his room and the door (without a lock) was now locked. After a bit of scuffling, the two were thrown out the window, followed shortly by a knock on the front door. Cautiously, Sasha let them in. Spider continued to struggle for a few more minutes before crawling out the window himself and reluctantly knocking on the door. Sasha also let him in. At this point, Spider announced that they were going to watch a movie to keep them out of trouble. (Before this, Sasha had picked up a knife, but Spider took it away) The little kids wanted to watch a horror movie, but Spider insisted - for Sasha's sake - that just a kids' movie would do. So, they picked one out and had caramel popcorn (excepting Spider) and everything was fine and dandy for a while. Sasha was almost even calm. Spider eventually nodded off, but that was okay. Then, the lights went out. In a flash, the boys were gone. Now very, very scared again, Sasha was left alone with a sleeping adult and an movie still playing. Reluctantly, he had to wake Spider up and squeak out that the two had run off and the lights were dead. Spider said he'd get the flashlight in the basement, but Sasha made it very clear (by clinging to his arm) that he wasn't going alone. The lights in the basement were already burned out and Sasha had refused to go down there earlier when Spider helped him look for the boys. Now, it wasn't any better. Before they got all the way down the stairs, the door swung shut and locked them in. To top it off, the flashlight was missing. Spider told Sasha to climb through one of the small windows and go in through the front door. Since the adult wouldn't fit, he did just that. It wasn't any better outside since the sun had now set and Spider and his wife lived in the abandoned part of town. After hurrying back in, Sasha found he couldn't get the basement door open (he also picked up the knife once again). After pulling on it for a bit, though, it did give. What he saw when he opened it were two eyes that had caught the light. He whimpered that he didn't think this was funny and that he was going to tell on Spider if this was a cruel joke. The eyes didn't respond. The sound of something falling down the stairs distracted him. He went to see what it was, but the house was too dark at this point. So, he returned to the basement doorway. The eyes were now gone, so he crept down the stairs, quietly calling for Spider the whole way. After bumping around in the dark for a bit, he found Spider lying in the corner, who screamed, causing Sasha to them scream. Spider had been attacked and now had "blood everywhere". He couldn't identify what was wrong and couldn't go back upstairs. Spider told Sasha to call someone and surprisingly, the phone wasn't gone. He called his mom (at which point, he suddenly started to cry hysterically). Again, his parents were out of town. After asking what was wrong and if anything weird had happened before the lights went out (aka, Spider's door locking), she confirmed that the sixth demon "had returned to play". Sasha was pretty sure he already knew this. She told him that she and Kevin would hurry to get there and he should try to call other people for help and "not die". He tried to call Conner, who was no help. So, instead, he called Mayra, who hopefully could heal Spider. She too said that she's hurry over. Using the phone as a flashlight, he went back downstairs to tell Spider that he'd called help. Spider seemed alarmed at this, saying that something had been brushing up against him and he had though it was Sasha. After that, Spider seemed to have changed his mind about not being able to walk and followed Sasha up to look for the kids. The little tricksters evaded them multiple times and the demon lunged at them a few times. Its final attack included lunging at Spider and trying to eat him. Sasha stabbed it in the flank and the thing anticlimactically disappeared. After that, they were able to clearly hear the two boys trying to reach something on a high shelf. Sasha gave Spider the knife and the phone since he didn't want to get up anymore and then burst in the room where the boys were. He had grabbed them and was working on angrily pulling them out of the house, kicking and screaming, when Mayra and Zacaly arrived at the same time, bashing the door in. This scared him so badly that the two got loose and ran off again. Mayra was directed to heal Spider (as much as she could) and Zacaly raced after the kids, almost in a rage. They were collected and then Zacaly drug everyone (excepting Mayra) back to her place (where a very grumpy Kevin was waiting). Spider was only allowed to stay until his house was deemed not haunted. The two boys behaved well until their parents returned due to Zacaly breathing down their necks.

  • Grapefruit
  • Spaghetti 
  • Chocolate
  • Empty sketchbooks, untouched by disappointment
  • : )
  • Snow cones are dumb and also a cruel trick
  • Parfaits are also cruel and unusual punishment
  • Deer (because of the Deer House)
  • Winter
  • : (


Nakaru, Deity of Death

Oddly enough, Sasha is quite terrified of the personification of death itself. Sadly, he can't keep a comfortable distance from the god due to his nephews constantly summoning him as well as other less than friendly deities. Since he's already in the area, Death's taken to tormenting poor Sasha to pass the time.


I wake up at 11:30 and drink flat mountain dew. Yall actually chew your spaghetti? Weak. Pathetic. Ugly. I swallow it down my slippery gullet like it's nothing. I go to kung fu lessons on tuesday and saturday so I can kick your a*s. I flung myself into a nyquill-induced 5-hour nap at 2:00 pm and when I woke up I couldn't see so I just went back to bed and when I woke up it was next week


html: Hukiolukio