


1 month, 15 days ago



Only oneself can make the change you want, kuzum.
Delara Namli
89 years old
4'1 ft
Hunan (Witch)
Bar chef, Hedge witch/shaman
Feray's master, The Den associate

Her early life was spent studying tengrism; herbs, remedies and potions to help her mother and aunties support their family. They became depended on by their village and went into deeper routes to strengthen their skill. Delara is the second generation to get familiars in their family. She acquired her familiar, Feray, a white cat demon familiar.

As political stress and wars pressed their way of life on top of of hiding their craft; Delara decided that change was inevitable. She knew she had to flee. When she hit her 20s she fled from Turkey to Spain before making her way to America, alone with her loyal familiar. She traveled into the midwest where she settled in Missouri with The Den after tending to it's associates with her craft. She was hired as bar chef.

  • She acts as mother hen to those in The Den, she doesn't fear being overly familiar with any single associate. Even Mikail.
  • Delara is a talented chef. Cooking is much like spell and potion making. She especially loves experimenting. The menu changes often minus one or two classics.
  • She doesn't like people hovering around her while she cooks or crafts. She often will have to shoo Feray away.