Basic Info

Fake Name (Caterpillar Form)





Human-Insect Cyborg (Killer Insectoid: Poisonous Butterfly Model)


Assassin / Spy


Transformation / Stealth / Assassination / Acting / Flight / Poison / Deception


Praise / Achievement / Flamboyant Stuff / Fashion / Perfection / BDSM / Being Superior


Mistakes / Dirty / Being Poor or Inferior


Armand is a cyborg under the Killer Insectoid Model series distribute by the underground techno company that sells custom-made weaponize robot, machine, and cyborg.
This butterfly-caterpillar model inspired from Alice in Wonderland's Blue Caterpillar. Particularly, this model specialized in infiltration, assassin, hacking, information gathering, and seduction.

In his Usual Form, He conceals himself under the forms of harmless, cute little caterpillar helper doing other peaceful works. However, he can metamorphose into his original killing mode form once the enemies, let down their guard. His model comes with sets of infiltration skills like deception and multidisciplinary functions that help achieve his disguise. 

As per his personality, he's quite a grumpy, perfectionist and snob person deep inside although he generally talked in a charming, flirtarious, polite, and elegant manner unless being provoked. 

He love collect flamboyant things and often getting carried away by being flooded with praises. His weakness is to being overconfident sometimes and when he's about to lose, he will lose his temper and finally showing his true ugly nature in looking down on others.