A3 please! ^^!

All yours ^^ anything specific youd like me to consider?

Mmm not really but I would like the oc to have plenty of glitches!


Sent the payment, by the way!!

If A1 is still up for grabs, I'd love to grab it!! 🙏

It is yes! I'll dm you! 

Any specifics with design?

I'd love some fur/fluff on the design somewhere like Cross has on his clothes, and I'd prefer if the emtire body wasn't made of goo like Nightmare is- like maybe just certain limbs or whatever else comes to mind, if that works!! Other than, go crazy w/it! 💕🙏


Tempting :0
I might wanna pay for one but not sure wich one yet ;w; (I kinda got ideas for my Killer x Horror shipchild who still are wip)  

Hehe ofc no worries x) take your time 


Lemme yoink B3 plz :33 

All yours! Anything specific to consider?

>:33 payment sent! 

And nope :P per usual, full creative liberty, go crazy with them lmao- :D 

Allr >:)