Calavera's Comments

These adoptables are so cute. I’ma copy paste my same offer for this silly as I did the other so: You can grab any of the characters if here if you want (you can ask for more than one, I’d probably give you 2 or 3) If not I’d love to offer art! I’d do either 2 shaded headshots or a shaded full body! My insta is your best look at my recent art: ^^

Hi I can take art for both this and the other char you offered for ^^

I'll take two shades headshots for this one and the shaded full for the other one if that's alr! (Feel free to let me know if that's okay and I'll give you some chars to draw!)

Absolutely! Shoot them over whenever (and any posing or expression ideas you have) and I’ll get started ^^


For the full id appreciate this char to be drawn

He's a more lay back char but also pretty dumb so if you can get a pose/expression that fits the vibe that'd be great!

And for the headshots I'd like these guys!

Feel free to give them any expression ^^

do you see anyone on my offers folder that might intrest you ?  ( can do multiple :) ! )