Gloamer Enderlock



28 days, 15 hours ago


Height: 7ft 2in
Weight: 101lbs
Pronouns: They/Them
Orientation: Unknown
Age: 22

 Gloamer can be depicted as an Addison from Deltarune (created by Toby Fox), a Spammling (created by MissyZero), or a Servit/Linker!

   Gloamer is not a Spammling to trifle with. They have a nasty temper and seem to try to attack anyone who goes near them. The drool from their mouth is extremely virulent and is sure to give you something nasty. They don't switch to their virus form often, but when they do it is best the entire block is cleared. They pose a serious threat to the safety of everyone around them.

   They seem to calm down a bit as they age, and manage to get a handle on their anger issues to an extent. Gloamer mostly keeps to themselves, afraid of losing control and hurting others. They do not like eye contact, and find it is larger to control themselves if others stare at them too long. They stick to the shadows of alleys and do what they can to survive while trying not to be a major problem like they were as a child.


Original description:

This Spammling is quite lanky, but however, they are not silent. They stumble around, a red liquid dripping from their mouth like drool. They seem quite feral, and dangerous to approach. At least you don't need to worry about the danger of bed unable to flee, as they stumble on their pointed legs. And try not to let them bite you, or you could get sick

Hopefully when they get older, they become better. But it is unsure what they will get into when they are older.