[CLOSED] New Brush!



26 days, 13 hours ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
For Offer


SB 15USD | AB 120USD
    I accept Lioden Bids but I will prioritize USD over Lioden stuff, AB in lioden isn't an automatic accept!!
I'm only lf GB, crunchies (45GB), Buffies (15GB), Yohs (10GB) and Egg Yolks (1GB) ,
    some RLCs and Hybrids but im picky SRRY 💔
I'm also not lookin at Lion scrots at this time bc I hav a lot lyin around during this event

Adopts Status
> Lullabycroak | CLOSED
> Fungispirit | PENDINF
> Dawnblush | CLOSED
> Mossystocking | PENDING
> Eclipsedawn | PENDING
> Soulsight | CLOSED
> Sweetjam | CLOSED
> Pawnstepn | CLOSED
> Marbleberry | CLOSED

tried out a new brush :3 this one is much easier to control + it has a feel of PEN PRESSUREE wchih mwah mwah I love ❤️ previously adopts took long bc I had to manually erase osrts of my brush strokes for some line variety but now its judt easy LAWL ill prob keep playin around w other brishes tho.. anyways thats all ty all 🐜