OTA creechur batch (only moop)



25 days, 2 hours ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Offer


LF:  paypal/venmo USD >>>> art of my characters. your offer MUST include at minimum 15$

Sb/starting offer=15 USD


AB=NONE  highest bid/best offer wins. that includes sb as always, happy to take these guys at sb :]. but if u offer higher than sb I will smile like this -> :D

Highest offer will be chosen 3 days after the first offer is made. These designs will likely be crossposted to DA/Insta. Upon purchase, I will make separate characters for each guy and separate their image from the batch. All these names are placeholders btw u can ofc change those lol.

RULES (also in ownership tab)

  • can alter/edit the design / make alt forms of design (like humanoid form etc) however you wish 
  • credit me for the original design
  • can gift/sell/retrade only for as high as you obtained the design for, unless design has additional art of it
  • you cannot make a closed species based on this design and/or sell adopts of ur own based on this design, personal species r fine but know I may make adopts similar to this one in the future.

If offering art as an add-on to USD, you would be drawing these characters, which have both feral and humanoid forms :- ).  (tho if unclear you don't have to offer art. your offer can just be USD lol). If you're interested in offering art, scroll past rules for more on how that works. You can also offer designs, but please know I'm very picky and only interested in ferals (no warrior cats designs pls)

*If offering art as an add on, see under the spoilers:


  • Please specify the # of pieces and detail of pieces you're offering. Examples of offers could be "I'll draw two sketchy flatcolored headshots" Or "I'll draw a fully shaded and rendered piece of Amek's feral form, the background will consist of nature scenery".  This is so if multiple people offer art, I'm able to better weigh their entire offer (aka: a full rendered piece would be worth more to me than 2 sketchy colored headshots).
  • Ownership of the design will not be transferred until BOTH art AND usd have been sent over. We will discuss a deadline for you to finish the art (no more than 2 months). Failure to finish the art will result in me considering revoking your hold on the design, and if revoked, if you had sent over any usd, I will send it back to you. UNLESS you use autobuy, which you wouldn't need to offer art if you did that anyway? but yeah at that point if smthing comes up making the art, idc bc I have money lol.
  • Please be aware I'm valuing usd much higher than art: if person A offers 50 usd and person B offers 50 usd + art, I will consider B the best offer. I may even consider B the best if person C offers 60 usd but I really really love B's art. however if person D offers 70 usd, I'm probably going to count D as the best offer.