Lady Sagittarius



4 months, 4 days ago


Lady Sagittarius A

Yes. We are born with the inevitable fate of death, but that is merely the final act of the play. we are born to love, to be joyous. We are born to live.

Gender Agender
Pronouns she/her
Age The Oldest
DoB 1/1/XXXX
Sagittarius Major
S.O. on the asexual spectrum
Height 06'05"
Alignment Neutral Good
Occupation Celestial Weaver
Residence The Observatory of The Astral Court
My dear Captain, I have a favor to ask. May we go on an expedition to the Tadpole Nebula?
Of course! I will have my men prepare the ship, we will leave on the morrow.
Thank you dear
Any time my Lady.
Might I ask what the reason is? Is a new Constellation being born?
Not yet, but soon. I can hear it in the singing of the celestial bodies. We will be welcoming a new Constellation soon.
A joyous occasion indeed! I will prepare my crew and get everthing set for our journey. Good day my fair Lady, I will see you on the morrow.
See you soon Captain :)
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
Archetype The Lantern
Leading trait Motherly
Biggest flaw will work at the detriment to herself

Design notes

  • Keeps a collection of stars with her, they follow her around.
  • Always has a smile.
  • The Star at the center of her chest is her core and the brightest she has.
  • The Sun and Moon orbiting her are a gift given by ?????
  • Her 'hair' moves like a cloud.

Lady Sagittarius A is the first constellation and is responible for drawing out the rest of the Divine Constellations. As the first and one of the oldest still alive, she has let much of the ruling and running of the Astral Court to others. Her domain lies within the Celestial bodies.

Part 1

When she came into being she was alone, there was no one there in the nothingness of space. The only company she had was in the singing of the Stars. Drawn and guided, she began to weave together the stars around her. Under the guidence of the celestial heaven she brought forth a new being, a Constellation.

Part 2

As the Astral Court grows, so too does the Singularity, a group of Constelltions who have fallen. Their goal is to see as many of their kin fall, to corruption or battle, so long as they are out of the way.

Part 3


  • Weaving
  • Astrometry
  • Cartogrophy
  • Captain Aurgia
  • Heated Aruguments
  • Politics
  • Losing a loved one
  • Embroidery
  • Singing
  • Reading
  • Teaching
