



khrusos, gold... the notorious thug b who works for the casino grandmaster. gives off vibes of someone who is prickly and emotionally unavailable (thorns) but is actually just repressed and bad at showing his true feelings (blooms). eternally caught in a state of change, as a graf-palaka he will never be able to physically emerge from his chrysallis so he seeks emotional and mental healing and validation instead. however, poor choices years ago led to a debt that will take ages to wipe clean. until then khrusos will haunt the casino and do whatever dirty work is necessary to make it home at the end of the night. unfortunately this makes it very hard for him to atone, let alone change as a person.
he constantly gives people the kubrick stare and evokes the feeling of the calm before the storm, the patient stillness of a predator. in reality hes kind of pathetic. truly nailing a nat20 on intimidation as someone with 8 strength