Centipede's Comments

 A little centipede sits upon a hilltop, surrounded by a flowery meadow filled with lilac, daisies, and bachelor buttons. Far off in the distance it can just barely see the outline of the mountains. Little centipede surveys the area, on a mission of great importance: to find the comfiest place to nap.

 The creature sways in and out of the tall grass, keeping a keen eye out for a soft spot to lie down for a comfy midday nap. The sun warms its chitten, sending a chill up it's spine when the breeze brings a soft blue cloud, covering the meadow in a shroud. Little centipede looks long and far, eyes seeing as far as the horizon; it's eyes settling upon a group of tall green trees far off in the distance, and sets it's mark. 

   Our little friend spent many long hours scuttling through the meadow, but finally, after the long treacherous journey, it finds a small knot on a swaying willow tree, accompanied with a comfy leaf blanket and a teensy pebble for a pillow. 

it lives in a lush forest in a swampy environment. it is feared by many to be some kind of forest guardian monster who will devour anyone who comes across it. however, it is actually quite friendly. it is a forest guardian but only punishes those who disturb or harm the forest. if you come across it and are good of heart, it will welcome you into its forested home and sometimes even give you some fun forest snacks or tea in its little dirt hut that it lives in. it burrows through the ground to create its home. it is actually quite large but it is really just a gentle giant. i would probably either give it some kind of mythical name that everyone calls it or just have it be referred to as the Forest Bug or something like that.. i think it would be cool :)

edit: forgot to say i read the rules oops

omg this is so slimy cool
tbh I just really love bug characters and having one would be SICK

Anyways, I think it would live in a swamp and just hunt tourists/animals/anything alive. I also think it'd be able to shrink its tail and hide, then become bigger and eat the prey. It would live in a big underground cave where many other bug-like/cryptid creatures live. It would hunt alone and live on its own, even though there would be many communities that work together to hunt. It wouldn't be very well-known, but still feared, because it's one of the strongest creatures there. It would have a nice cozy home in the big cave and maybe make tea and make food for itself. Perhaps it would even have a small shop there where it either sells meat or armor for others... not sure, but it would probably aspire to move somewhere else and explore the world, finding new herbs, animals, etc., also seeing new landscapes, cultures and maybe journaling and writing about it, then finding friends and settling down in a nicer home.. (this is a rough idea lol)

I don't think I've ever written anything like this for a character, i think i should do this for all of my characters!

Thanks and have a nice day ^^

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Absolutely in love with this design omg... I had a great idea for them, I'd love to be able to have them and expand on it :D

Would name them Scuttle, just something off the top of my head. They'd be another surviving member of the species my fursona is, whatever that may be- she's always thought she was the last of her kind but perhaps not. Due to a mutation causing them to have a slimmer build, when the tunnels collapsed and killed the rest of their kind, Scuttle was able to survive, just barely.

Now they're looking for Wintock, the two met once very briefly but she was the only person they properly knew, even slightly.

Not much right now but I will DEFINITELY write up some cool lore if I get them.

Gonna type and entry tomorrow! (I'm studying for a test tomorrow afternoon xd) so I'll take my time writing something once I'm not busy 👀💕

Centy bb centy bb!!! So prettyyy

I read u rules on the folder and desc! 

I will name it Bencejo, He-It 

Bencejo is a small lil creature, full of curiousity for the world! Since it was born, it travel around trying to find his family

I fell it can curl itself and do a spin like sonic, using the small spines to damage any pretator 

It can also scream pretty thin, making them confussed and have aa chance to scape!

He was found by Mederius, in a mistake thinking they was is mom, but of them like to spend time together and play around, Mede helps it to find were it come from, or if theres any other like him

Bence (for short) loves to eat berrys, can also eat meat from smaller animals, like birds or rats

Will try to add more!

Hi! it would be amazing if I have the opportunity to adopt them and I read the rules and the description of the folder

A small half-centipede creature would have no gender, it would be a small baby born from an insect egg incubated in a cave by a scientist with quite a few questionable ethics

Being a newborn creature, it would be quite curious and with a mental development that would advance rapidly when it came to learning things about life and its surroundings

One of its main characteristics would be to curl its body and make it into a ball. When it turns into a ball, its body would be strong enough to withstand a lot of damage. It has a fairly deadly bite, and even more so since it is a newborn, having a more concentrated venom, it is easy to kill. get angry when he is an infant and will not hesitate to attack to protect themself

Personality: Reserved, quiet, dark.

Diet: Carnivore

Environment: A long-dead world filled with dangerous creatures and empty ruins.

“It was a long, hot day and the squirmy little creature had had enough of the sweltering sun. Wearily, it scuttled between the bones of the old ruins- forgotten houses and abandoned roads. Underneath one of these wooden skeletons was a hole, just wide enough for it to squeeze into. Down and down it traveled. Each foot deeper felt like a cool caress against their body, soothing the harsh burn that seemed to form whenever they went out during the day.

But food didn’t find itself.

Eventually the tunnel let out into a wide, open den- Full of various knick-knacks and fluffy things scavenged from the dead world above. The best of which was a large, soft nest. It wiggled and crawled into the center and nestled down into the plush core, a rumbling trill escaping their throat at the comfort.

In here was dark and cold and safe, and they loved it. Their home.

Moments before they started to drift off they remembered the food the brought back and grumbled, standing again on tiny, spindly legs. A lump of meat was quickly deposited in the coldest corner of the den, and they barely made it back to bed before falling into a deep slumber. It’d be a few days of rest before their next excursion.”