


5 years, 8 months ago


His fur is naturally black and dark grey

all of the blue is dye

the spikes are actually a special mohawk; the fur is dyed that colour then spiked, every day

his tail, neck fur, and forearms are not naturally that fluffy but he spends time every day spiking and grooming them to look like that; why? Bc fuck you that's why (is what he'd say)

Abyss is his 'stage name'; he works as a waiter at a stripper bar but will respond to that name regularly outside of work too

he needs clothes tbh

History notes
He's gonna be a dark coloured pom with a piebald sister;
growing up she was bullied mercilessly so he is very protective of her, to the point of getting into fights with other kids who would speak ill of her
He tried to keep her safe but i am sure she felt like a burden
I'm playing with the idea of her being dead a long time ago, either from illness or maybe suicide
He's a hardened boy, pretty closed off and very gruff because of this
Probably in like his 30s but never grew up, still rash and headstrong like a teenager.

*Personality notes
He wanted to be special, he wanted to stand out, so he dyes his fur the colours and stylises his mane and tail to be really spiky and thick like that
enjoys being the center of attention
He finds it a success if he can make someone question his breed or species and likes to lie about being a hy brid just to mess with 'em.
But he's the sort of dude who would get into bar fights and then get thrown out, or see a homeless person and buy them dinner, but then go beat the shit out of someone he learned is a child molestor
He's not gonna have an easy, boring life and it's mostly of his own doing
He's troubled and doesn't know how to be calm and in control of his own emotions

Rough History
I am thinking of going with the name Devon and his sister be named Kiley. Devon's older, by a good several years, maybe five or six, and his sister was kind of a miracle for his mom. They probably share the same dad, but he was never around and no one missed em. From the moment she was born, Devon adored her, even though she was suppose to be black like him but had large splotches of white in random places, being born piebold. He didn't care, his mom didn't care, they loved her and they were best friends from the very beginning. The age difference or gender difference didn't matter, neither did her physical mutation, and they were very close right off the bat.

Things got rocky from a young age, though. People were very judgmental of her wrong colouring, often telling their mother how sorry they were she had such an ugly baby, and "Poor thing, she'll never got a husband that way" which only angered their mother, who would borderline bite anyone who dared say those things to her and her baby's face. Devon was a smart kid and picked up from a young age that people were mean to his sister, and didn't understand why. He thought the black and white was cool. His feisty personality started showing itself in violent ways; charging at strangers, barking viciously at anyone who treated her different, literally attacking any child who sneered at her. His mother worried about this behaviour but could do little to stop it, despite discipline and many stern talks.

It reached a particularly bad point when Kiley first when to school and interacted with other children her age unsupervised. Devon was always happy when she came home from school, but her normally chipper and playful demeanor was waning; she was quiet, often couldn't even make eye contact, and did not reciprocate his jokes. Turns out the children in her class were saying terrible things to her, but she was starting to realise how much trouble her brother was getting in, and decided to not tell them. The pair remained close, and grew up together, but she gradually learned to hide the bullying and regain her happy exterior around the family.

They matured and Devon graduated, which then led to him deciding to move out so he could be on his own. It was upsetting for both the siblings, whom were used to living with their best friend, but more so for Kiley. Unfortunately, she was all too good at hiding her depression, and encouraged him despite her own despair. Devon still visited regularly and kept her up to date on his life, and in a few years she, too, was reaching graduation age. That was when things started going bad, though.

At 18, Kiley had a doctor's appointment for a strange pain in her gut, and learned from her doctor she had a type of cancer, something in a later stage, that would be very difficult and painful to treat. Due to being legal age, she kept this news from her mom and no one in her family found out at first. She graduated a few weeks later and then immediately moved out. It seemed a bit rushed to her mom and brother, but they happily helped her and soon all of her things were out of their mom's house. Little did they know, she planned it so that she could rid of all her things so her mom did not have to, and at the age of 19, she committed suicide. No one suspected she was so depressed, or knew of the cancer, so it was a slap to the face of Devon and their mother.

He didn't know what to do. How to react. They had always had each other, and now he learns he couldn't protect her from even herself? He went a bit mad. Angry, breaking things, screaming, hurting himself punching mirrors and banging his head into walls, only to collapse to the ground in sobbing fits. He had no friends who understood and basically cut all his ties, except for his mother, whom even he had trouble communicating with at that point. Over time, he calmed a little, but has never forgiven himself fully, and still holds that need to break something over the death of his baby sister. None of his friends know about her, and tbh he'd probably beat the shit out of them if they ever brought it up to him. Now he is in his mid/late 30's.